Monday, January 26, 2009

Recipe group

I run a Mac and everything on Facebook seems to take forever, when it doesn't freeze, so I don't use it as much as a lot of people seem to. But it does have some uses. My wife has set up an open group for posting gluten free recipes. It mostly came out of family members asking for recipes for food we have served, coupled with the growing realisation by many people that you don't have to feel rubbish all of the time and that eliminating gluten is a big step to feeling better. Family are all on Facebook so that's where the recipes ended up.

It's not particularly LC but of course most recipes can be adapted by simple moves such as not serving with rice or potatoes...

Anyway the group is here if anyone who is on facebook feels like adding recipes. All welcome. I've stuck most of those from the "Food" posts over there.



  1. great group. Im also curious about more english talking people that follow the OD diet. Is there forums, other blogs etc. around?

    I was also wondering about meal frequency. I have 5-7kg to loose from fat and i was wondering what was the best approach. 1 big meal during the day? and eat all my carbs before bed? ive read many OD people recommend eating all carbs together in one meal without fat and protein. Or should i eat 2 meals with fat and protein and one carb meal before bed or just implement carbs in those two meals?

  2. That's a good question; I'm wondering the same thing - what do you think is the best way to be more efficient at burning fat?
    And you think the carbs are best binged once or twice in a week as a dinner, or dispersed -- wouldn't digestion favor the mono-meal?
    Just adding to the previous question

  3. There is some decent food available after all! BBC article 8-:)

  4. Yes Stan, the last bastion of edible fast food. Two small donners please, no bread, no salad, no sauce. Cheap too. They know me at the kebab shop. Also I suspect that the lamb in donner kebabs is the bits you don't like to think about. Sounds good to me. Salt load is a bit hard as I'm so used to relatively low salt on the OD...

    Re timings for weight loss: Dunno really here. The longer you flat line your insulin, the easier fat burning should be... I've never been happy on one meal a day but the IF people seem to do well for weight loss.


  5. Thanks for providing a very informative blog. I have some comments on your vitamin D post.

    If and when you have the time they are at vitamin D. Thanks in advance for any follow up remarks you have.

  6. Hi Peter. I also love Donner kebabs - we have something called Kebab assiette here in geneva- a plated donner, so, no sauce or salad or bread but comes with chips!

    Pleae, can I learn your thoughts on me using potatoes and rice and a natural sugar/glucose source to up my carbs and get me out of ketosis.

    I cannot stomach the green veggies or juiced veggies - is the fibre I guess - is killing me!

    Why do you not really eat potatoes and rice much? They are gluten free.. yes? Is it the starch? They are relatively OK carb wise I believe and if added with the fats, this reduces the likely glucose spike?

    Any thoughts very welcome as usual.

  7. Last summer on vacation in Italy we economized (the US$ to Euro had an awful exchange rate!), avoided the omnipresent panini bread, and saved time for the sights by alternating a dinner or lunch somedays at takeaway kebab shops. Water to drink instead of soda, salad instead of bread and chips. It was a great vacation survival strategy and saved enough $ for the expensive dinner at the "5th quarter" restaurant near Rome's old stockyards.

  8. is there a way to ask Jan K or the doctors some questions? maybe write it in english and u can translate it to polish for me Peter ? :p

  9. Hi Ken,

    Finally got there on vitamin D... Sorry about the delay, a fair bit to think about there.


  10. Mr S,

    Not that I know of. The AHOA discussion forum might help but I don't ever have the time to go there nowadays...


  11. Hi Anna,

    Hee hee, we're all poor now! Buying things from the States used to be very cheap but with the current exchange rate that's a thing of the past! Glad you had a great time in Rome, never been quite that far south. Pompeii was fascinating though... Nice murals.


    Potatoes are fine if your digestion can cope, I eat a fair few. Rice is the least unpleasant of the grains, but it's still a grain. My daughter uses rice as her carb source and has no problems, gut or joint wise, from it. Use white, less fibre.


  12. Mr. Secret, try OSBO or one of the Arcadia Centers, e.g. this one. Mind you, they're not under dr. JK "jurisdiction".

  13. Thanks Peter- Do you add your potatoes to the meat dish or would you think digestion easier if carbs like potatoes and rice are eaten at a separate meal for starch only?

    Of course, there are many who think this does help aid the whole protein /acid digestion thing that is going on.. I wondered what you think - I have a feelng you have a stomach cast of iron...


  14. Hi Elizabeth,

    Generally if you only ever ate an evening meal with me you would have no idea that I ate a strange diet. My evening meal looks like an evening meal, maybe there will be no bulk carb but usually there is a small serving of chips or parsnips or swede or a couple of servings of greens along side the meat.

    My main digestive issues were mild and with wheat, especially bran.

    Generally we try to eat as fits family life as we live it. All sitting to a meal together in evening is our ideal plan. Work trashes this occasionally and time pressures modify breakfast...


  15. Hi Peter,
    just a sort of "technical assistance".

    Trying to find a "bread substitute", something I could exploit to spread the bulk of my daily Ghee (the main fat source for me) doses on.

    The best is this at the moment, but yes, it's wholegrain rice (contains Rice Bran Agglutinin), and I dont'know if rice krispies would be a good thing.

    Any suggestion welcome...

  16. Hi Marco,

    Not much help I'm afraid. My wife eats something similar on occasions, usually submerged in cheese eggs and butter but, like yourself, I don't like the idea of baked agglutinins...

    Anne has a recipe from Debs (link is down) which might be of interest here.

