Thursday, July 15, 2010

More fighting talk

Very briefly because there's nothing here we don't know inside out, this is fighting talk. More along the lines of de Lorgeril but in a very public forum.

Does anyone remember how permanent the Berlin Wall seemed for decades and how quickly it fell when it went....



  1. I wish he had talked about the probable financial motives for the recommendations rather than just saying that the orgs are "trying to save face", but still quite fantastic.

  2. Brilliant! Nice find Peter. We need more like that in that sort of forum.

  3. Dont forget there would need to be a radical change in farming practices if everyone suddenly stopped eating grains/wheat/cereals and instead started eating the evolutionary way (more fatty meat, offal etc)

    The fact is, if everyone was eating this way there is a much lower cap on how sustainable it is for our world population.

    Theres a reason why the old world fatty animals were hunted to extinction.

  4. One problem I see is that mainstream source of Fat is so poor. Until our ability to buy good clean food nothing will happen. Not to say the Grain World with all that GMOs should get a free pass. Fat needs a better name- I like calling nutritional Fat- LIPIDS. It might fly better than the image of body fat around the waist.

  5. Kindke,

    Try Daniel Quinn.

    Decreasing food production is possibly the best thing we could do. The Two Rat Experiment post is my brief attempt...

    PJ, ideally we should eat food but you can get a long way on agri industry crap if you need to. Then fine tune... That's ignoring the massive welfare issues of intensive farming.

    Brandon and Jamie, yes more would be better but the platform is very public...


  6. Roughly ten years ago the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT)was firmly established in main stream medicine and was credited with reducing risk of osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer.

    Dr. John R. Lee, a vocal critic of synthetic HRT, advocated use of natural hormones in lieu of synthetic hormones. When my wife asked her gyn,, her gp and her breast doctor for a prescription for natural hormone cream she was told that Dr. Lee was a quack and natural hormones were useless.

    My wife was also told by the three doctors that if she quit synthetic HRT, in the near future she would (1)die of a heart attack (2) break her hip and die shortly thereafter and (3)get breast cancer and die.

    I am not making this up!!

    My wife finally went to a compounding pharmacy to find a doctor who would prescribe natural hormone creams.

    A couple of years later clinical studies were published which showed that HRT increased risk of breast cancer and heart disease. The synthetic HRT business shriveled up pretty quickly after that.

    I told the story to my cardiologist years ago and predicted that the day would come when Statins would suffer the same fate as HRT. (I go to the cardiologist, a statin loving man, because I had a bicuspid aortic valve, a genetic thing, and had to get a pig valve a couple of years ago.)

    I plan to take the cardiologist a copy of Dr. de Lorgeril's article when I see him next and tell him that Statin's days are numbered!!!

  7. Jack, you might pencil the old Churchill quote across the top...

    Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.


  8. I would say there is an important and underappreciated part of statin therapy - primary care docs hate statins. Of course they do. They get counted in health prevention stats. No one likes to take them due to the side effects. Measuring LFTs every 3 months, worrying about a lawsuit if you don't... primary care docs in the US have patients coming out their ears and do not need more business! Most of the ones I talk to make a snide remark about the "mysterious anti-inflammatory properties" and take the statin away if I ask nicely. Cardiologists may be a different breed, and I don't have much conversation with them...
