Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Protons (56) The miracle of fish oil (3)

I think this one is too important to leave it where George Henderson posted it in comments:

Of mice and men: Factors abrogating the antiobesity effect of omega-3 fatty acids

The group is from Norway. I tend to think they might be biased pro-fish oil. I also think they might be interested in why a paradox has occurred and this has overcome their intrinsic bias. I like their title too.

It appears that the weight loss routinely found in mouse experiments is remarkably difficult to replicate in humans. It can be abrogated (their word) by sugar, refined carbohydrates and omega 6 fatty acids. The refs are in the paper.

This gives the possibility for a given lab to set up a specific experiment to produce the result it wants/requires by manipulating these factors. That's called a pilot study and it doesn't often get mentioned in the paper per se. The mouse weight loss will not be replicated by a human popping three fish oil capsules before a meal of chips fried in sunflower or soya oil with a Big Gulp or two on the side.

George looks at this from the endocannabinoid signalling level within the brain.

I look at it from the adipocyte mitochondrial level control of insulin signalling coupled with the amount of insulin generated. They are both layers of signalling derived from the same process.



Quick edit: Of course if a human removed sugar, refined starch and seed oils from their diet they might lose weight spontaneously with or w/o the fish oil. Maybe it might help, maybe not, but I doubt that has been looked at!


  1. Haha. Peter I can confirm it does work. A young person I know (identity concealed for privacy), overweight but healthy shape (small waist, female) had a bit of a mayonnaise habit and occasional junk food problem (sweets, pringles - UGH). Was doing eating window (18 hours off, 6 hours on) but that wasn't making any difference to the weight. Finally, took my advice and gave up the offending articles and started a form of the croissant diet, which basically means white bread (more UGH) and butter was still eaten with added dark chocolate to progressively decrease sugar content. The effect was steady appetite decline until the need to even eat lunch (bread) was gone, effectively on one meal a day, and steady weight loss.

  2. "The mouse weight loss will not be replicated by a human popping three fish oil capsules before a meal of chips fried in sunflower or soya oil with a Big Gulp or two on the side."

    Here we have humans taking 3 fish oil capsules with 2 different meals - one full of heart-healthy, artery-unclogging polyunsaturated seed oils, the other with a lethal combination of dairy fat and cocoa butter.
    Guess who sees a rise in serum omega-3s (and who doesn't).

    Does this translate to weight loss over a longer term? Indeed, does the expansion of subcutaneous adipose stores when linoleic acid drives endocannabinoid signalling in autumnal directions give the ubiquitous sugar somewhere to go other than the arterial lining, and thus reduce the risk of CVD over the epidemiological medium term, until disordered appetite meets its match at the "personal fat threshold" and it all comes undone?

  3. George,

    That settles it! Buttered steak and shrimp or lobster for me three times a week from now on. I'll have the healthiest erythrocytes ever seen.

  4. From the paper:
    Collectively, the levels of LA as well as
    the amount and type of carbohydrates in
    the background diet might influence the
    antiobesogenic effect of n-3 PUFAs also in

    Have they been reading about protons?

    I'm doubtful there is an effect worth looking at -- back when I first found out I had CAD - I did this protocol with 3g/day - eating low-carb at the same time - didn't notice a thing.

    That being said - my stearic acid experiment has not yielded results either - so far..
