Monday, June 02, 2008

Casein, gluten and gastric pH

In a very interesting paper from Bloggeier on rheumatoid disease and multiple food allergies (worth a post on its own) there was this snippet:

"Thus infants are prone to develop cow’s milk allergy while their gastric acidity is pH 3–4 (compared with pH 2 in adults); at pH 4 the degradation of a-lactalbumin, BSA, and bovine IgG is markedly reduced in contrast to b lactoglobulin".

Following the ref gave this abstract. Just a pity that they didn't look at casein too. It brought to mind the idea that taking gastric acidity suppressing drugs is possibly the best technique we've developed to get ourselves a food allergy, obviously excluding wheat consumption. Of course the combination is probably a cracker.

Now, what does the cow's milk get poured over when weaning a child, who's gastric pH is 3-4?

Well, in this house the wheat is notably absent! Actually so is the cow's milk pretty well and weaning, what there is of it, seems to be going fine on beef and pork purees with some root veggies (plus a little vitamin C to be on the safe side) thrown in.



  1. "Now, what does the cow's milk get poured over when weaning a child, [whose] gastric pH is 3-4?"

    I think many problems with milk are due to grains that are eaten in the diet. Think of all the other foods: cheese and crackers, pizza, mac and cheese, mexican food, etc. To blame milk requires isolating the grains, as well as the processing of dairy. Maybe there would be no problem for children who drank raw milk with no grains or refined sugars.

  2. We dont have access to beef but to mutton (I dont like to eat chicken as they are factory-farmed but the sheep are free-range).
    How does one make mutton puree?

  3. Usually put a pound of minced meat in a pot with some butter or dripping, add some water, an onion, a potato, a sweet potato, a sweet pepper, a carrot, a parsnip, really whatever is in the fridge (not all of the above!). Add a little salt, boil it for an hour, reduce and blend it with a hand held electric blender. Put portions in the fridge or freezer. Squiggs is very fussy about lumps in the puree at home but eats coarse chopped food at nursery. Has his mum and dad on a string...

    When I reheat it I always add a little butter to the saucepan first.


  4. Can you post a link to the article referenced in the first paragraph; and I hope you do indeed do a post about that article. I can't tell you how much I have been learning from both you and Mark at his Daily Apple site. I was dx'd with RA over a year ago, and had been leaning toward a 'whole' food diet on my own, but I have learned so much about dietary immune responses here. Any particular web sites or articles along these lines that you can point me too would be greatly appreciated!

  5. Peter, you are going to have a primal kid! I hope you're letting him get plenty of sunlight too. I just read a paper that showed 40% of american children have less than 30 ng/mL 25-OH D.

    Interestingly, breast milk becomes a rich source of D once the mother's serum D is normalized (4,000 IU/day supplement in one study). Below that level, breast milk barely has any D. Yet another reason to believe we're designed to have serum D of 50 ng/mL or more.

  6. Hi cardimom,

    The paper is here, I've got the full text and can email it to you if you send me your address through the hotmail account in my profile.

    Good luck with the joints (and the spoons),


  7. Hi Stephan,

    Having read Scott's post about Last Child in the Woods I can report that Squiggs is absolutely fascinated by garden birds, and especially by the rooks in the local rookery. Ants on the patio also rate highly (not been bitten yet) and woodlice are total fascination. Obviously the cats are the most marvellous cushions in the world and he can spot a dog at the far end of the village street (300m?). Mud pies are where it's at too, eating compost seems less popular, though he keeps trying it. He tans like I do. He's 18m now. He likes to be up for the dawn chorus (4.30 at this time of year, the noise is phenomenal zzzzzzzzz)


  8. Info on genetic variation of babies response to beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7)in A1 type milk: Looks like babies who retain the human milk version of BCM7 are healthier but those same babies if given the cow version of BCM7 will also retain it in their blood and in that case do much worse than babies who don't retain it. Ability to tolerate A1 milk may have to do with genetic ability to break down BCM7.

    More milk research ponderings on peptide beta-casomorphin-7 in A1 milk and effects of pasteurization:

  9. More research info on A1 vs A2:
