Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I like this

From Phillip (Thanks):

Impaired glucose tolerance in low-carbohydrate diet: maybe only a physiological state.

Like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, LIKE!



  1. Double, triple, quadrupedal like!

  2. I imagine the translation in nutritionblogland would be something along the lines of "Memo to Bielohuby et al: Science...you're doing it wrong!"

    Caminhotto and Lima are very diplomatic. And seemingly quite bright.

  3. Taubes and his NuSI exposed as liars and frauds once again:


    Of course you won't watch it tho, since you guys already know it all.

  4. We have a spammer huntergrunter here

  5. Yey! Gunter didn't come empty-handed, he brought the new video of Plant Positive with him! The Ultimate Authority in the subject of dangers of saturated fats and cholesterol. He can't be wrong about NuSI as well! You have to really hate saturated fats in order to brace yourself to listen to that rasping voice.

  6. http://carbsanity.blogspot.com/2014/01/carbohydrate-and-diabetes.html


    Ma-Pi 2 Macrobiotic Diet Intervention in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

    This study included 16 type 2 diabetics that were all receiving insulin therapy at baseline. There were 3 men and 13 women, average age of 60 with a range of diabetes duration from 9 to 31 years. Their mean weight was 69kg with a BMI of 28. Six months on Ma-Pi 2.

    Weight loss: 6.25 kg, ~14 lbs
    Average HbA1c: 12.60 to 5.73

    Medication Status at 6 Months: NO INSULIN USE by any subject at the end of the intervention. Dietary therapy ONLY for 12 of 16 or 75% of subjects. Four subjects were switched to glibenclamide.


    Medium- and Short-Term Interventions with Ma-Pi 2 Macrobiotic Diet in Type 2 Diabetic Adults of Bauta, Havana

    Daily diabetic medication consumption was high at onset: 53 patients used a total of 1341 insulin units (mean consumption: 25 u/person and 0.3 u/kgWt); 60 patients consumed 200 hypoglycemic pills (mean consumption 4 tabs/person).

    Serum glucose, lipids, and other indicators reflected a non-optimal metabolic control at onset. The high glycemia value at onset (8.35 mmol/L) dropped fast during the first 3 days of intervention, parallel to the insulin consumption reduction. After 21 days, the 2 mmol/L reduction (23%) was highly significant; 3 months later it was more evident (2.7 mmol/L, 32%), reaching values inside the metabolic control interval.

    The high fiber, Mn, Mg, and Zn intake and the reduced fat and protein content of the diet have contributed to the observed decrease of the insulin demand. Only after 21 days, patients were able to control glycemia, serum lipids levels, and blood pressure. The fact that patients diminished further the insulin doses at 3 months indicates that they continued carrying out well enough their diet at home in spite of slightly dietary transgressions.

    Anyone care to comment?

  7. Yes I would like to comment. Please put your keyboard into a potato sack and throw it into the sewer.

  8. Hi Charles,
    I think Peter Attia's assessment of Weight Watchers and Ornish possibly apply here as well:


    That is, compared to SAD, almost anything will have a positive intervention effect.


  9. On the (perennial) topic of glucose intolerance, etc. caused by KD, I thought it notable that Lyle McDonald also was not impressed by the determinations of the Ellenbroek et al. paper. See Lyle's comments in this thread:



  10. @Johnny - why so angry??

    @ NKSL55 - the fact remains that ALL of the 16 people in the study came off insulin within 3 months and these were people on insulin for 9-31 years.

    Is that a bad thing?

  11. Charles Grashow said...

    @Johnny - why so angry??

    What brand of keyboard are you using, Charles? Might be a factor...

    @ NKSL55 - the fact remains that ALL of the 16 people in the study came off insulin within 3 months and these were people on insulin for 9-31 years.

    Is that a bad thing?

    Not at all.


  12. Yeah, I lived this one. I went to the dr for something completely different, which, of course, was never cured. For a little while I pushed fat levels up and got very strict, but that wasn't a good idea after several years of dieting- just wasn't eating enough, wasn't hungry- you know the drill. Then I started lifting weights, largely because I didn't know what else to do and Art De Vany has like 30lbs more muscle than I do, but he's much older.
    Eventually I got around to checking blood sugars again. They are fine, even after experimenting with crazy amounts of carb-backloading.

  13. Why do you like this? I haven't followed your posts in a while but I have been researching low carb diets more, the insulin resistance contrary to the article does not automatically resolve itself as simply as the article states. Many pounds are usually gained afterwards,

    Charles, great references, have you seen Stephan Guyenet's post on a similar topic?


    I wonder what the mechanisms are behind the observations in the studies you cited.

  14. Avishek, you are missing too much back ground. Read the paper, the citations and those of Axen and Axen to fill in the gaps.


  15. Having spent time in Matanzas, Cuba, I am not sure I trust the study. Sorry if that sounds biased, but the Cuban government constantly creates science pointing to natural methods to treat disesae to get around the fact its hideously expensive to get US style drugs in Cuba.

    So I would very much like to see the replicable results expected to see in other studies but have not had much luck finding them.

    A choice quote

    Macrobiotics was developed by George Ohsawa, based on two
    ancient Asian theories (Yin/Yang and the Five Transformations).

  16. "Despite his belief and adherence to a life style that encouraged a long life, Ohsawa himself died of a heart attack" at 72 - from Wiki.
