Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Lots of posts part written but currently I'm getting camping gear ready for our family holiday with kayaks, hills and tents. At the same time the essential big car is in the garage getting it's rear differential fixed/replaced and I'm not sure we would all fit into the MX5...

Normal service will be resumed when I get some time!



  1. Have fun. Hope the weather stays dry. After lots of raining day It’s finally sunny in Kent 🌞

  2. All good. It's accepted now it was all in jest anyway... lol

  3. @altavista re "AstraZeneca lead scientist says Delta makes mass testing pointless in UK"

    What a surprisingly realistic attitude.

    '“We need to move away from reporting infections to actually reporting the number of people who are ill. Otherwise we are going to be frightening ourselves with very high numbers that don’t translate into disease burden.”' This is why I've decided to pay no attention to case numbers.

    '“What matters is the burden of patient hospitalisation and critical care and actually there hasn’t been as much with this Delta variant,” she said. “They tend to be the children who have got their comorbidities, obesity, or severe neurological problems and those children are already considered for vaccination. COVID-19 on its own in paediatrics is not the problem.”'

  4. "Otherwise we are going to be frightening ourselves with very high numbers that don’t translate into disease burden."

    Imagine. If only someone had thought of this a year ago.

    Imagine, Peter going on vacation in the middle crisis!

    Have a nice, safe trip. No skinned knees.
