Serving suggestions for soured cream not really needed...
The ginger cake (in the last post) isn't really low carb but it helps keep the children (and me) out of ketosis! Nice diluted with butter.
Ginger and Banana Cake ingredients:
3 medium or 2 large bananas
100g total of macadamias, almonds, walnuts
100g ground almonds
2 eggs
100g brown sugar
100g butter
4 tbsp black treacle
1 tbsp ground ginger
1 tbsp baking powder
2 tbsp yoghurt
150g rice flour
Happy New Year
Why would you want to avoid ketosis? I have been in ketosis for most of the last decade, and I am much healthier now than I was in 1999. Also, as far as I know, it is not possible to avoid ketosis completely without gaining weight.
Hi Howard,
I've always stayed just on the edge of ketosis. I eat (outside of Festivals) a relatively low protein diet and I prefer not to rely completely gluconeogenesis as I don't have to. As far as weight gain, I suspect this will depend on where you have been metabolically. There are certainly plenty of never-obese people who remain weight stable without ketosis. For a post-obese person this may be different.
I am curious: why do you wish not to be in ketosis? Do you believe it to be a harmful or suboptimal state? If anything, it seems to me as if the pendulum is swinging towards ketosis as a benign, and perhaps even default condition of the species. I presume by your wish to remain outside of ketosis most of the time that you disagree with this.
I think it is waaaaaaay to soon to know.... I too have been near ketosis and drop in and out on occasions for nearly a decade. I'm healthier than I have ever been, as far as I can remember. Could I get better or worse results with more or less carbs????
My main feeling is that there has been a selection pressure to survive occasional food deprivation. The ability to run on fat must be preserved. It must actually work, but is it optimal? We're guessing on that.
thanks for the recipe, Peter! i think i'll make it with dextrose and rice syrup in place of the sugars you used (being a Perfect Health Diet enthusiast), and see how it goes. it looks like a wonderful way to add more butter to one's life, in the absence of bread.
happy new year, and thanks for contributing a great blog to the community!
I feel my best when I am in ketosis, it helps me to control migraines, pre-menopausal symptoms and mood-swings, however, it makes my fasting BS higher, although not pathological due to physiological insulin resistance. For some people FBS could be too high, I guess. If you google physiological IR, or find more about it in Peter's archive, you will get the more information .
Tess, yes, there is a lot of fructose in there but the dose makes the poison and I would expect the occasional dose for sugar in a thin slice of cake to replete my liver glycogen rather than deplete my hepatic ATP reserves, but nothing wrong with a bit less I guess!
Galina, I think it was Windmill from Finland who cracked a FBG of 8mmol/l in deep ketosis. It can be done!
You're a winner...
I didn't think it was possible for you to regress any further, but, once again, you've proven me wrong.
And no more twaddle encouragement from me, Peter.
What a hag that carbsane is. For someone who PATHOLOGICALLY misconstrues or misrepresents every single scientific study I have ever observed her analyze, she really needs to shut it.
To think she was criticizing *me* for how rude I was on WHS? Psycho.
PS, am I the only one out there who is suspecting that carbsane is IRL fat? I look at her bloated face in her pics and I think to myself, this is not a face owned by a thin woman.
Made a few batches of chocolate butter. Have to say the last batch had rather too much double cream (and honey ooops). What I like is how filling it is, so it lasts unlike many chocolate bars or biscuits.
any thoughts about cooking 18:2 fatty acids (almonds and walnuts)?
Just for keeping the record strait - the post made by the poster carbsanity was not posted by the Evelin(aka Carbsane) herself, according to her blog. Somebody decided to sound like her.
@ Galina L
The link is genuine, though. That 's what I was responding to.
so rancid pufa galore, fructose, starch, fat, etc... peter am disappoint! dat frankenfood!
(lol j/K)
Personally i just dont even need to eat cake or spongy stuff anymore, i guess it may be different if i had children or maybe im just to lazy... nah, is not laziness. I just know myself pretty well. Long tome ago i remember making a shiton of "Alfajores de Maizena" (Gluten Free!) what a disaster...
anyway, sat cake sure beats the alternative, and that kid looks happy!
Umm, err, aren't most people in ketosis during the late stages of sleep?
All depending on how you define "ketosis," of course...
If you use Ketostix or some similar implement, you will probably find that the more you are adapted to burning fat the less you will light up the stick--regardless of the percentage of ketones being used as fuel.
Some people use "ketosis" as a term denoting a body running primarily off fat. Others mean that there are so many more ketones available than the body can use that they are spilled in the urine.
From what little I understand, however, some people spill proportionately more in the urine, others in the breath. So I'm not sure how most people really know if they are in ketosis in the first place....
@David Isaak,
The several hours of ketosis during last stages of sleep will not result in physiological IR. There is no point to discuss the kind of ketosis that occurs without changing one's diet. You can be pretty sure you are in a ketogenic state when you fast, or eat less than 30 grams of carbs a day. No one wants to count, so if you avoid completely sugars, starchy veggies, fruits, any grains, you will find yourself running mostly on ketones and fat.
Mammals on a natural diet are in a state of physiological (near) ketosis much of the time. The caloric ratios of fat, protein and carbohydrates (including gut fermentation products) are close to 78:20:2 across mammalian species ranging from domestic cats to grass fed cattle. This presumably represents the original dietary ratios of the earliest insectivorous mammals.
I did a computerised dietary analysis two years ago and discovered that my fat:protein:carbohydrate ratios averaged over three days were also 78:20:2. This was on an ad lib VLC diet with no conscious attempt to control protein and fat levels.
I've heard that about cows before, do you have a reference?
I've switched overweight dogs to grain free Evo chow for 5 months now with no result. They don't care for it much. If I didn't have a job or kids I'd make them fresh food, but I have both and barely the time to shop for myself.
What is your opinion on this lead?
Dead end? Plausible?
I had a read when you put it up and I'm not sure. It is very clear that there is something very special about the gluten grains and metabolic syndrome. I'm still waiting, along with the rest of the net community, to read Denise Minger's next/final post on obesity/cvd and gluten in the China Study. But of all of the leads I've looked at (excepting Cordain and the nuclear pore/WGA) there's not a lot to find (not that I'm getting a lot of time to look at the moment).
Again going back the the early Egyptian burials and mummifications, they had metabolic syndrome on a totally organic unrefined food diet. All they did was add Emer to the local animal and wild foods available for domestication. And maybe some psychosocial stress.
All the best
I agree to a large extent. I also think that wheat (beans and maize too in a different way, look at Mexico) is the biggest culprit of all common food but the reason I posted the histones lead was that I thought there may be a connection between wheat and histones anomaly. I am not 100% sure, just a hunch. I don't yet know enough nor have enough time at the moment to dig deeper into it. I am looking forward too to read the next Denise Minger article on the subject. Truly amazing.
Best regards,
Stan (Heretic)
Hi Peter,
Thanks for this blogg and this recipe. Can you tell me please what the topping is? Only sour cream? Or?
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