Monday, March 16, 2009


I was looking for Mary Enig's "Know Your Fats" on the bookshelves a couple of days ago and came across my unopened copy of Edward Tenner's "Why Things Bite Back" next to a 2/3 read copy of "Mistakes Were Made", an unopened copy of Desolate Landscapes and a recently arrived copy of Prothero's Evolution. John Peel's biography is part read (fascinating and sad to watch the progress of metabolic syndrome through the illustrations!). I have two novels from my daughter, unopened since Christmas and there's my wife's copy of Neverwhere that I'd love to read. I also keep getting emails from Lovefilm to ask why it takes me a month to watch "Iris".

This is trying to tell me something.

I've also finally accepted to an invitation to speak to a group on diet and health in the near future, which will be a fair undertaking. Plus we have to have the house sold by the end of July which is not a minor objective.

So I think I may be going to have to take a bit of a sabbatical from blogging in the next few months, until we are settled in to wherever the post PhD job market takes us and I have found work too.

Sorry for this, but stuff creeps up on you and you need to think, read and live, as well as blog!

As Richard commented off blog, there will always be papers I can't resist a two liner on (like the last one on AMI) but there is just too much to get done...

Back in the Summer, all things being equal


EDIT: The comments thread on this post has been used by a proponent of a particular view of life which is labelled, by them self, as the HED, the High Everything Diet. I'm leaving the comments in place as they are fascinating in their own right. A reasonable but slightly overgeneral idea of what I personally feel is going is available here.

Please bear in mind that it looks like, while the proponent is mentally unwell, he is also very intelligent and it's YOUR health that YOU are playing with. Play safe on the net.


LucienNicholson said...

I'll be glad when you resume blogging. Great stuff and very mind opening. Thank you for your blog and enjoy the sabbatical.

Ed said...

I'd like to repeat Lucien's words. Your blog is highly stimulating, I appreciate you taking your time to post for us. Enjoy your sabbatical, stay fresh so that you can continue to entertain us for many future years!

Mark said...

See ya, Peter.

Hope everything goes well with the job hunt, your wife's PHD, selling the house, relaxing and reading, and I hope Squiggs grows up with those broad dental arches that Weston Price described (unless you don't like broad dental arches, in which case that's cool). :P

In the meantime, I will be looking at the archived posts. Some of those full-texts are not available online for being before 2000. Would have to get my hands on an actual journal and I'm liable to do that.


Stan Bleszynski said...

Hi Peter,

Thanks for all the articles you wrote, I really enjoyed them and I hope you will be able to continue.

More fun stuff in the media; did you notice this headline?

"Vegetarians 'get fewer cancers'"
and then compare that with the actual paper:

"Cancer incidence in vegetarians: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Oxford)"


Richard Nikoley said...

And as I also wrote, Peter. We still have all of your fabulous past posts for continued slaying of infidels.

pooti said...

Thanks for all the inspiration and information, Peter. Have a "fun" sabatical! Or rather, keep your wits and sanity intact, ok?


mtflight said...


Jk you deserve it. Thanks for all the hard work--you put a lot of effort into your posts and it shows!

Hey quick question--where are those studies that imply B-complex vitamins are not so hot? I know it's been mentioned on here but I don't know how to find it. Was it something related to mortality?

Thanks and I hope you have a very productive sabbatical. We anxiously await your return.

Anonymous said...

You deserve a break, Peter, thanks for what you've done.

Becky2006 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I, too, really appreciate your efforts on the blog, and look forward to your return.

Peter said...


Don't think I've seen studies about risks from B vits. I'm not too worried about them as they seem relatively unimportant for lipid metabolism... Acute B1 deficiency on glucose infusion is a neurological catastrophe, but that's the opposite effect...


Stan, nice study. All you can say about WHEL and PPT is that maybe they were lucky not to kill anyone...

Unknown said...

Hi Peter,

I have been reading the blog for some time now, albeit silently, and thoroughly enjoy all that I've learned. As someone who is about to move from New York to Washington (Seattle) for his wife's fellowship with a teen son in tow, I completely empathize with your decision. I wish you much luck on all your endeavors and look forward to seeing new posts when time permits. Until then, take care and thanks for caring enough to tell the truth.


Sue said...

Have a good break.

Andrew S said...

I recently discovered this blog, and now that I'm caught up on the archives you go on sabbatical? Noooooooo! Best of luck, Peter, and I hope you find time to come back soon. :)

Thackray said...


I have greatly enjoyed and learned much from your thoughts and insights as expressed through your blog. Hope you can return to your forum in the near future.

Best of luck to you and your family during this transition.

I hope your chickens can accompany you to your next “roost”.


Philip Thackray

Anonymous said... offers professional flash templates, Swish Templates , web design templates, Logo Designs , and Wallpapers...

Thinking Aloud said...

Peter !

The internet died for me the day I read you are going on Sabbatical.

Come back soon

Mr Secret said...

this was really sad news. Is there any other english blogger out there that are following the OD diet?

Feralandroid said...

You will be missed.

Just wondering... does ketosis cause bad breath?

Peter said...

Hi Mr Secret,

Stan is one and there must be lots of Atkins blogs, but the day to day is very routine, feels normal after a while and doesn't make for great reading.... The technical stuff is what matters to me and they're probably in Polish.

Hi Elton,

Yes it can, and not just the ketone smell. Atkins denied this but JK says it happens to some. His idea was that being on a ketogenic diet is the first time certain people have ever really gotten in to serious turnover of their fat and a decrease of body fat percentage. Fat does store fat soluble xenobiotics and some of them do smell bad. They get released as the fat is used up. That seems logical to me. Apparently it's not permanent and I don't think it's common...


Feralandroid said...

I have been low carbing for a year now, but in the last 4 months I started to not eat any carbs except a small potato at night. This is when my wife informed me that my breath was bad. I never had a problem with bad breath before. If I have a beer or 2 with friends I seem to avoid the bad breath.

Therefore my hypothesis is that whenever I do not eat enough carbs I end up in ketosis and have bad breath. Most of the Atkins forums do mention people having to deal with bad breath, so it does seem pretty common.

According to OD, I do need to eat more then one potato to get the necessary amount of carbs per day for my body weight and life style.

mtflight said...

Regarding Breath:

I think there is a misunderstanding here (xenobiotics aside).

Yes, ketosis would have it's own smell, especially in someone who is new to it and is producing larger amounts than someone who has been doing it a while. But by definition this smell would be somewhat like acetone. There have even been reports of false positive alcohol breathalizer tests.

That is not the same bad breath as what is acquired after drinking a cup of coffee with cream, and keeping your mouth closed for a few hours, or after eating some dairy products such as cream or yoghurt. These types of bad breath are from bacteria living in your tongue and between your teeth and in the sub-gingival sulcus. Adding a potato simply adds more food for this bacteria.

The solution to this is simple: pre-rinse your mouth with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water (this gets rid of the bulk of the anaerobic bacteria), brush or scrape your tongue until it is nice and healthy pink (white or off-white or yellow or other color patchy tongue is almost a guarantee your breath reaks!), floss your teeth, brush your teeth, rinse again with hydrogen peroxide and water.

Another phenomenon is the reduced water retention and increased urination during the adaptive phases of a low carbohydrate diet. This will lead to a dry mouth. Dry mouth means not a lot of saliva to clear out bacteria. Drink more fluids, possibly adding a sprinkle of "lite salt" (a mixture of potassium and sodium chloride).

This will help. Atkins used to say to chew some fresh parsley. Gum works too, increasing the saliva to clear out the bacteria.

Feralandroid said...

As I mentioned, I never had bad breath before going very low carb, so I assume it has to have something to do with this.

I take good care of my teeth and nothing has changed in that regard.

If not ketosis, then its lack of water retention?

mtflight said...

I didn't mean to imply bad hygiene, but rather the different foods (increased dairy such as cheese and cream for instance) and dry mouth may contribute to it.

Brushing your tongue particularly after eating dairy may help. Chewing on sugar-free gum to keep the saliva flowing, rinsing away some bacteria and oxygenating them will help too.

Unless you have a specifically acetone-like breath, in which case it is likely due to ketosis.

Feralandroid said...

Heh, no offense taken. I do appreciate the advice!

Krissie said...

I am still reading through your blog with fascination, and although I am dismayed you are taking a break, I appreciate everything you have already written.

Is there any way to see you speaking in public? I live near London...

Peter said...

Hi Krissie,

I have friends in Norwich who have a small conference centre. When we get organised I'll put a post up about it. We all have rather a lot on the go at the moment and, although we were initially thinking about an all day meeting, it might just have to be an evening on a couple of subjects...


Brad Reid said...


Some interesting findings about statins mentioned in this article:

Worth a quick read, I think.

Cheers! Brad

Anonymous said...

you article is very interesting for me

Anonymous said...

Peter, I'd like to challenge you with a revolutionary idea. Dieting damages your health. The best diet is high-everything (except refined sugars, HFCS, and rancid vegetable oils). Sporadic over-eating is able to cut insulin & leptin resistance, lower cortisol, raise the metabolic rate (see The Potbelly Syndrome). This idea's integrated into the HED. You eat "above appetite" once or twice a week to raise your metabolic fire.

I am in contact with a number of people, through my group (581 members) and Matt Stone's blog. Many have benefited from a high-everything diet. Energy increases. Digestion improves. Chemical Tolerance improves. A man used to be sensitive to all kinds of chemicals. Now he can sit in a room full of perfum and cigar smoke without a reaction. He eats lots of milk and orange juice and sourdough bagels and butter. This is not just my idea. It is based on the works of Dr. Schwarzbein and Ray Peat, Broda Barnes, among other names. But Matt and I refined the idea, and took it to another level. It is like the Kitava Diet on Steroids, according to one person's description.

Anyway, it would take me a long time to give you the background, but here is a good summary. I tried to post a comment to Michael Eades's blog today. I don't know if he'll accept it or not. But the cat is out of the bag. Many people have improved their health in radical ways by eating high-everything. I never would have believed this, because I used to believe (like most people) that a "high everything diet" is the worst diet. But I think that confuses high-everything with SAD. There are many differences. I hope you are open to this information and you will give me your thoughts.

Best regards, Bruce Kleisner.

Bruce's Comment to Michael Eades

Peter said...

Hi Bruce,

I'm a bit old, slow and plodding, so I prefer to work within the limits of what I think I understand. I'm perfectly willing to believe I am missing a whole utterly amazing way of eating and am quite happy to continue locked in to my low carb rut. This approach seems to have stood the test of time for well over 150 years, certainly in industrialised populations, for whatever reason. I will become more interested in the HED in about twenty years time, when it starts to show some promise of being a sustainable health protocol. I certainly don't dismiss your ideas, but it will take longer than a few months to convince me that you have the perfect diet. Tragic I know, but c'est la vie.

Peter, still a non-guru (I hope).

Anonymous said...

Not tragic by any means, except for you. You don't know what you are missing. You should take notice when poeple overcome chemical and food sensitivities, such as the salicylates and things that Emma has feared for years. Her metabolism sucks. That's why she can't eat salicylates and other things. I can eat salicylates all day long without any symptoms along with amines and other things. She's pitiable.

And I disagree that HED hasn't stood the test of time. Look at how primitives ate and you will see they ate carbs all they wanted if they were available. The Masai and Samburu ate huge amounts of milk and other tribes ate large amounts of foods. They weren't dieting. They were eating a high-everything diet. There's nothing at all unhealthy about carbs, starches, and (unrefined) sugars. They can be eaten in unlimited amounts, along with fat.

Diets degrade health. That's a fact. One day, everyone will eat HED. Like most ideas, the old guard will die off and the new generation will accept the idea as self evident. Eating high-everything is the only sustainable and healthy diet. I've seen more benefits in the last two months and heard more benefits from others than I hever had before on any diet - including WAPF, low-carb, raw animal food, and paleo diets.

Peter said...

Or eventually HED!


Anonymous said...

Where else is there to go? I've gone in circles all my life and finally found a destination. You're spinning your wheels in futility, Peter. Dieting is dead. The new way of eating is everything.

Anonymous said...

What about T.L. "Peter" Cleave. Will you at least agree with the following facts, stated by Cleave?

Cleave, T. L., The Saccharine Disease. Keats Publishing: New Canaan, CT, 1974.

p.70 “To summarize, those who eat unrefined carbohydrates are candidates for salvation over periodontal disease; those who eat refined carbohydrates never are.”

p. 90 “…table sugar…is always the most serious in the production of disease.”

p. 104 “…no one who has any reverence for the human body will ever choose to substitute these new processed oils for animal fats of ancient lineage.”

p. 189 “The saccharine disease includes dental decay and pyorrhea; gastric and duodenal ulcer and other forms of indigestion; obesity, diabetes, and coronary disease; constipation, with its complications of varicose veins and hemorrhoids; and primary Escherichia coli infections, like appendicitis, cholecystitis (with or without gall-stones), and primary infections of the urinary tract. The same applies to certain skin condition. Not one of these diseases is for practical purposes ever seen in races who do not consume refined carbohydrates.”

Cleave, T.L. and G.D. Campbell. Diabetes, Coronary Thrombosis, and the Saccharine Disease. John Wright & Sons LTD.: Bristol, UK, 1969.

p. 15 “…carbohydrates should not be taken as a single group but as two very different groups; one being natural, unconcentrated carbohydrates, such as unrefined grains, potatoes, and fruits, and the other being unnatural, concentrated carbohydrates, notably refined flour and sugar.”

p. 19 “…what matters in the production of caries is not the quantity of carbohydrates consumed, but the form in which they are consumed – to be more accurate, whether they have been refined or not. A whole cartload of carbohydrates in the form of raw apples or sugar-beet, for example, would do the teeth nothing but good, whereas a few cases of refined, sweet biscuits, leaving a sticky residue around the teeth, could initiate the fermentative processes responsible for decay and therefore do the teeth great harm.”

pp. 60-61 “A glance at any wild creature in its natural environment shows that no matter how plentiful its food supply, it never eats too much of it. Even a poulterer’s shop reveals that no wild rabbit ever ate too much grass, no wood-pigeon ever ate too much wheat, and no herring ever ate too much plankton. No wild creature, in fact, is ever overweight. The forces of evolution have ensured that in nature organisms react to an abundant food supply never by developing a disease, such as obesity, but by raising the rate at which they propagate themselves.”

p. 65 “In that table it was shown that although 90 per cent of the calorific intake in the rural Zulu is provided by carbohydrates (which are generally regarded as the fattening foods), as against only 81 per cent of the intake in the urban Zulu, the crucial point is that, in the case of the rural Zulu, of the 90 per cent figure 89 is derived from unrefined carbohydrates, whereas, in the case of the urban Zulu, of the 81 per cent figure 71 is derived from refined carbohydrates. An explanation, therefore, based on the argument advanced in this work, fits the facts as a glove to its hand.”

p. 71 “…refined rice when moistened does not become sticky like refined flour, and therefore those races living on milled rice and very little else are singularly free from caries.”

180 Degree Health: Everybody Could Some TLC

mtflight said...

pyorrhea rhymes with ..... (sorry that's the only thing I could come up with). The back and forth was beginning to sound like a scripted skit.

Serious now...

Well Cleave is saying refined is bad. Bruce you're saying it's ok to cheat and do it?

What about fiber? Did Cleave say anything bad about fiber, or just about refined (sans) fiber... has your stance on fiber changed?

What about autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) vs the possible gluten link?

I did read one of Broda Barnes books a few years ago. He does mention diet. He was part of a study in the early 20s-30s involving overweight people in some kind of closed environment. In the book he mentions the only teenager was a 16 year old girl who was getting so fat she could no longer fit under the bed when her folks had company. She was the only participant under 300 lbs (an exception to the requirement).

The one thing they found in common in these participants, was that they were fat phobic. No butter on their toast & cut the fat off their beef.

He also did mention that today's diet was similar to the one used to raise livestock. The farmer had it right all along, he wrote. Farmers are in the business of selling fat animals so they tried feeding the pigs fat--the pigs would lose their appetite and stop eating. They tried other things too, in the end what worked were grains (unrefined).

They get eat without feeling satisfied, until they've overeaten and get tired. They nap. Hunger pangs then wake them and they scurry back to the feeding troff.

Those are the two things that stick me most about Dr. Barnes. His book was written before TSH testing was common. I am with him about the natural "Armour Thyroid," desiccated porcine thyroid glands.

Anonymous said...

My stance on fiber can be found through reading my profile and website. I don't think refined starches are bad at all if you eat saturated fats with them and the animal protein. Dieting ruins metabolism and health.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fan of Barnes's diet ideas (low-carb), but it takes years to learn what works. He got stuck into thinking a low-carb diet was ideal, like Jan K and Eades and Atkins others. They never ever thought to try fixing the metabolism so that carbs could be eaten without having problems. They simply hide from problems and cover them up, IMO.

mtflight said...

TO Bruce:

Profile where? There's no mention of fiber on the blogger profile. Do you have your own website? Can't find the link.

I remember you talking about strained orange juice, and how bad the fiber in chocolate was.

I read average fructose intake was 16-20 grams per day. ( How is downing orange juice or apple juice any different than drinking a HFCS soda?

I am on a HEN diet of my own, but it's pretty low carb with the exception of dairy (sour cream, heavy cream, sometimes yogurt, cheeses) and sometimes cauliflower (faux mashed potatoes, made with cauliflower, Parmesan, cream cheese) sometimes to excess, and some light beer, and dry red wine.

So my diet is sometimes very high calorie, but typically low carb. From time to time I'll go to UNOs or have some thin Brooklyn style pizza, but that's the exception.

My TSH levels have been dropping, and I'm now on less porcine thyroid as a result.

Does anyone have a link to how a high fat diet affects the thyroid negatively? or is it just a low calorie diet (that slows "metabolism" [thyroid])?

Anonymous said...

I'm not afraid of fiber at all now. I've eaten 25g of fiber in a meal with no gas or bloating or digestive problems. And I have eaten 50g of fiber in a day with no problems. Before eating HED, I could not have done this. This is why I"m saying I have improved my digestion 100-fold. The avoiding of fiber made me more sensitive to fiber and starches, IMO, along with a low-carb diet (80-120g, plus lots of low and high intensity exercise). I lost 11 lbs in 3 weeks by reducing exercise and increaseing carbs (150-250g) and eating more calories (3,000+). I improved from every stand-point. I need less sleep. I have more energy. My sex drive is good. No food cravings. No hunger. No thought of food. I have to remind myself to eat and can sit with food in front of me and forget about it.

Every other diet is metabolic suicide - it's like going to war against your own body to eat low-carb, low-fat, raw food, paleo, vegan, and other restricted diet programs. Dieting is the problem. It is NOT the solution. High-Everything is the only healthy and sustainable diet.

Here is my group.

High-Everything-Diet · Healthy People Don't Diet.

The link is in my profile on the upper left and it's one of the blogs that I'm following publicly. I mentioned it in the Eades post archived on my website. I don't see why you are having trouble in finding it.

mtflight said...

Ah yeah, I found it after publishing the comment. Right under your name on the left column, doh! I was looking for it in the body or the blogs.

Well HED sounds good. Almost like intermittent fasting (IF), which slows the metabolism.

I have a tendency to eat a lot of food if it's good and within reach. I don't doubt this is in the genes. I do feel much better when I don't eat what I call junk: pizza hamburger buns, pasta, sugars, potatoes etc.

I'd have to see more evidence to consider giving it a try, but I'll keep my eyes and ears as open as my mind.

In the meantime my thyroid function is improving with the very low PUFA, low carb, considerable SFA diet. I had a 14 oz broiled ribeye, medium rare, last night. And made cheesecake with 16 oz cream cheese, 8 oz sour cream, vanilla whey protein powder, liquid sodium saccharin, truvia (stevia + erythritol), and lemon juice. Ate 2/3 of that cheesecake while reading my blogs. So my diet is NOT low calorie by any stretch. I think that is definitely a key in keeping the metabolism (thyroid) from slowing.

My old diet consisted of whole grains (toast), orange juice, raisin bran, turkey/ham subway sandwiches with baked lays--not far from that happy regimen I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I'll be on the sidelines with a watchful eye, to see if you experience another paradigm shift.

Anonymous said...

Eades published my comments pretty fast. His responses were lame, of course. I am surprised. Now, I predict we're going to see some real fireworks. Eades may laugh the idea off like Peter, but some of his open-minded readers are going to convert and see the results we're talking about.

Bruce Kleisner, 25. April 2009, 23:24

And here's some more food for thought to people who think that food sensitivities can't be overcome with diet. This is one of many testimonials you can find on the HED site and Matt's blog. Notice the HED eating pattern - coconut oil, rare meat, milk, orange juice, and sourough bagels. That's the diet that gave these results.

Digestion Problems Resolved

A few months back I had made a post describing my long term digestive
problems... anyways, it's being about two months now since i resolved them.. so
here is what happened in a nut shell...

So, after becoming tired of constantly feeling sick, fatigued, queezy and
chemically sensitive i did a water fast for a day after reading about it, in an
old post, as a way of determining if you're allergic to something (if you are
you would lose some weight, which i did).. when i fasted i felt great throughout
the day and then wrongly concluded i was allergic to dairy. Anyhoo, that opened
the door to other discoveries.

I decided to replace dairy with coconut (i had eaten very little coconut prior).
I started off with spending 4 days living on plain sourdough bagels and coconut
with orange juice and enjoyed not being fatigued nor feeling queezy and having
energy. Then finally I got the nerve to cook my meat (prior to that i had never
cooked the meat) and began cooking it rare in coconut oil... it took me a few
days to get used to the taste and texture, however now when i have meat it is
like 99% of the time cooked.

Gradually my intolerance to chemicals improved and now i can be in a room full
of perfume or cigar smoke and not be bothered one bit (a few weeks back i was
in a room full of cigar smoke and i didn't even realise it, the guests were
suprised because usually i am making gestures that i am gagging and dying from
their smoke).

A few weeks later i had some dairy and realized i could handle it and have since
added dairy back in, pretty much daily i have various dairy products.

Also my mood has mellowed out and calmed down (i also started exercising
lightly, now that i have the energy too, and that has contributed) and i can
actually practice understanding and enjoy company.

Anyways, my 'diet' now for the most part resembles the HE diet and after all of
this i've learned good riddens to diet dogma. However, at the same time those
restricted diets were helpful short term, but problematic long term.


mtflight said...

"I do have an open mind, but it’s not so open that my brains fall out...I know in my own case that if I added pancakes, bagels, syrup and the other foods you include in your diet, I would gain weight rapidly. I know because I have done it... I don’t think it will work for many of those who are insulin resistant or have that tendency, as most overweight people do." - Mike Eades MD

That sums up why I am skeptical of it, but then again I am skeptical of a lot of things. The cure for skepticism is to read up on some kind of scientific explanation that is feasible. Peter on his description says PubMed backs him up so far.

Where is your holy grail? Is purely anecdotal so far?

Do you have any science references or a hypothesis that makes sense? Insulin, glycation, endothelial glycocalyx etc... all that stuff makes sense from the low carb/low PUFA, diet. That's what I'm hanging on to. The low fat diet stuff--where's the science? The eat more fiber, eat more fruit--where's the science?

chlOe said...

If they're just feeding pigs unrefined grains, without a natural pig diet, yeah, I don't think a pig would be very satisfied. If the pig were to be running around freely digging for roots and whatever else they eat, would unrefined grains once in a while potentially ruin their hunger levels completely? And to add; most farmers also feed their livestock vegetable oils.
Taking the fat out of something in general will make pigs hungry. Like skimming milk - that's another trick they or some use, or used. Don't feed them cream, feed them skim milk only.
Anyway, the point is, any deficient diet is going to suck, obviously - I mean, it's deficient. But to add something to an already great diet - well? Is it going to be that big of an antagonist?

mtflight said...

hi ChlOe, that was from Dr. Barnes' book, written in the 70s I believe.

You bring up a good point--what if the diet is good, and you add other stuff [antagonists] to it?

I could think of a few bad experiments--for instance increasing dietary lectins, gluten, wheat germ agglutinin, adding PUFA and fructose to a healthy individual's diet. Most these things will have some effect, probably not a good one. No way to know unless we try! volunteers? anyone?

Mark said...

Only thing I'm willing to experiment with more of is alcohol.

I'm pretty closed minded to the idea of eating more EVERYTHING vs. more of something. More calories is something I'd listen to, but not more everything.

More alcohol is fine by me, because at least it gives me some side effects I enjoy. Fructose and PUFA give me nothing. Same with water from plastic bottles.

BTW, I sunburned yesterday and covered my left arm and shoulder with coconut oil at night, the right side with zincofax, a zinc cointaining ointment which helps heal sunburn fast, from past experimentation. The coconut oil worked better.

I have also used olive oil in the past, and it's worked OK. Zincofax is better.

I suspect the more stable the oil you are applying, the better it makes your skin.

I am up to 8 egg yolks a day, like Peter, and not regretting it. Only bad thing is it leaves the house smelling eggy and the rest of the family doesn't like that.


Mark said...

One thing I want to add is that eggo yolks seem to compensate for lack of sleep.

Chris Masterjohn has a subscript 1 written next to sleep and cholesterol synthesis, but his source is absent.

But I think egg yolk can compensate for lack of sleep with its cholesterol content.


Anonymous said...

mtflight: "I could think of a few bad experiments--for instance increasing dietary lectins, gluten, wheat germ agglutinin, adding PUFA and fructose to a healthy individual's diet. Most these things will have some effect, probably not a good one. No way to know unless we try! volunteers? anyone?"

So goes the thinking here based on rats and other flawed studies. I guess Khalil just imagined his chemical sensitivities away by eating lots of sourdough bagels, butter, whole milk, coconut oil, orange juice, and rare meat. Or maybe his body could deal with those "toxins" like the gluten and lectins because he had eaten properly (not low-fat or vegan like some others who blame gluten for problems). I just think people are blaming the wrong things. They're avoiding the wrong foods basedd on flawed evidence.

mark: "I'm pretty closed minded to the idea of eating more EVERYTHING vs. more of something. More calories is something I'd listen to, but not more everything."

More carbs and calories and more fat, if you're eating too little of any of those things. And if your metabolism is strong there is no danger from natural sources of fructose. Only people with a weakened metabolism have probloems. The people on HED have normal blood sugar (84) even if they eat lots of carbs, including things like orange juice (full of the "deadly" fructose which is so feared).

Peter said...

Well I just have to say from my point of view that it is nice to have someone find the answers to all of the worlds health problems and I look forward to the next update in 20 years time.

Personally I'm just staying here in the mud, picking at those flawed studies that produce effective solutions to a reasonable percentage of the problems people come to me with.

I would agree totally that I have no cure for metabolic syndrome and assorted other ills but do have some effective techniques for side stepping them. That's good enough for me.

I consider myself to be a scientist, not a messiah. To those with a messianic bent, get out there and save the world, but please leave me here in the mire.

I'm much happier than if saved.


Peter said...

Oh BTW Mark,

While I would agree that eggs have many benefits, the delivery of cholesterol to the brain is not one of them... Virtually all brain cholesterol is synthesised in situ, hence the catastrophic effects of statins, especially the lipid soluble varieties, on brain function. Whether it is some other component of eggs or an effect of the type of diet that eggs are included in, who knows... I too need relatively little sleep and my egg intake does seem to be creeping up.


Richard Nikoley said...

I must say that I find this HED silly, at least in the way presented here.

I went over and read a lot of Matt Stone's stuff on his blog and his sales portal website, and pretty much all of it sounds sensible.

So why the messianic crusade by one of Matt's followers here?

First off, I don't know of any paleo-like eaters or high-fat eaters who ever restrict calories, watch portion sizes, work out endlessly in the gym, worry about cholesterol, saturated fat, or any of the other BS we all know about.

Near as I can tell, the only really important difference is that you HED guys eat bread and pasta and significant starch and such.

I prefer to simply have another steak in place of that, and I'll have that butter from your bread melted all over it. I do have potatoes sometimes, also rice every now and then.

This is the same sort of utter nonsense you get from the mainstream -- that replacing toast in my bacon & egg breakfast in the morning with another egg or two, more butter, and hell, why not, a bowl of berries and heavy cream, that I'm somehow missing out on some important nutritional benefit because I didn't eat the toast.

It's nonsensical crap.

Eat all you want, in any macro proportions you want, as often as you want of REAL FOOD, and listen to your body first and foremost.

Anonymous said...

Matt's blog is out of date. He does not believe all of the ideas any more. Read the High-Everything-Diet group. You can find it in my Profile. All your questions will be answered. Avoiding grains and starches is stupid and ridiculous. They are not the problem. People eating EAD have overcome chemical sensitivities and allergies. People who couldn't eat fruit and honey and dairy are now eating it & thriving. Dieting is dead. In a year or two, when everyone is healthier than you and can eat anything without digestive problems or other problems, maybe you and Peter will start listening.

Dieting is dead. It's not the solution. It's the problem Eating high-everything is the final solution to health. Yes, it sounds silly. It sounds unbelievable and extreme, but read some more and give it some real thought. Open your mind and be willing to seek the truth. You know that dieting doesn't work. It's a delusion and does nothing but cover up problems, not fix them. HED fixes the problem. I have talked to a woman on thyroid meds, who after eating HED for a little over a month has a normal temperature in the morning every morning and above normal during the day. She feels like she's on drugs and is cutting her Armour thyroid medication in half. I have high hopes that she will be healthy and drug-free in six months. Name one diet that can do that. Most people are on thyroid meds for life and never get better.

Ignore this information at your own risk and your own loss of health and vitality and longevity. Dieting robs you of life, and health. Eating everything strengthens you to an unbelievable level where you can eat any combination of foods and not have problems. I can eat 10-12 foods in a meal and have effortless digesiton and about a dozen other people have said the same thing. Granted, not everyone can do this right away, but you can get to that level of health. DO you want to do so or remain sick and unhealthy by dieting?

The choice is yours. Dieting or Health?

mtflight said...

Dieting is dead. I'm with you on that. I mean diet implies temporary--that's not good. It's a lifestyle change.

Second, is it possible that someone with "leaky gut syndrome" rehabs their gut when they stop eating gluten? Then they start eating everything again and it seems they're good to go--but for how long?

I tried HED today... I had pizza and beer--as much as I could stuff. I enjoyed it! No PUFAs, no sugar. I felt miserable, not to say guilty. So if this is a lifestyle, it could be High Everything Lifestyle or HEL? Could also be High Everything Life Style (HELS?)

So seriously, when man was a hunter vs when he became a farmer--that health decline--is it not relevant anymore?

Do you soak the grains to remove the phytic acid? maybe I could buy into that, if you do it to avoid the issues with mineral malabsorption?

Loved the pizza, but didn't love HEL. What did I do wrong? The sauce is organic, no HFCS, they say...

mtflight said...

" I have talked to a woman on thyroid meds, who after eating HED for a little over a month has a normal temperature in the morning every morning and above normal during the day. She feels like she's on drugs and is cutting her Armour thyroid medication in half. I have high hopes that she will be healthy and drug-free in six months. Name one diet that can do that." - Bruce

Bruce, my Armour thyroid prescription has gone from 120 to 105 to 90, on high calorie/SFA, wheat free "diet." No grains (except when I fall off the bandwagon temporarily).

The ultimate test would be to check what happened to the antithyroid antibodies (Hashimoto's). I tested negative for coeliac, but removed wheat and grains anyway (still eat veggies but not many). Persistent knee pain from running injury years ago, has gone away. This is my story, not a third person relay.

Anonymous said...

"Dieting is dead. I'm with you on that. I mean diet implies temporary--that's not good. It's a lifestyle change."

That's not my definition of diet. When I say dieting is dead, I mean any program based on limiting carbs, fat, starches, grains, fiber, unrefined sugars, energy, etc. That kind of dieting is dead.

Dieting is death. It kills you. You have been weakened if you subscribed to paleo or low-carb diet dogma. People eating HED right now are healing to a level you can't imagine. They're confronting their problems head-on and fixing them, not hiding from them or covering them up (like the low-carb and paleo dieters). HED is going to change the world. It's going to bury every other diet. You can continue believing, but you're fooling yourself. Dieting, as in limiting foods or macro-nutrients, is dead. The HED is the only healhy diet. Other diets are a slow form of suicide. They destroy your health and turn you into a cripple, in physical and metabolic terms. Give up the diets and heal.

Make your choice. Dieting or Health?

Anonymous said...

"Bruce, my Armour thyroid prescription has gone from 120 to 105 to 90, on high calorie/SFA, wheat free "diet." No grains (except when I fall off the bandwagon temporarily)"

You are not off the drugs. You have not cut your dose in half. When you do that, then your experiences would be relevant. Until then, you look like another dieter who is wasting their time by eliminating foods, limiting macro-nutrients, etc. Go on deluding yourself or come with ut so another level of healing where you could eventually eliminate the drugs forever, with the freedom to eat normal foopd and remain healthy.without effort. There is no comparison between your experience & HED, esp when you consider the amount of time. How long did it take you to reduce your meds by 25%, vs. this woman who is cutting her dosage in half in one month?

mtflight, I'm sorry to be blunt, but It is like I'm talking to a brick wall. You just shoot back comments without reading and thinking about all of the things I'm saying and have said. You are wasting my time, when your questions and comments could be answered just by reading what I have presented with an open mind and no bias. If you can't do that, fine. But do not waste my time with comments until we are on the same page and you have read ALL the comments on my website for the past 3-4 months and ALL the comments on Matt Stone's blog for the past 2 months. You are not in a position to debate and you are not coming off well. Quit while you are ahead. Open your mind and learn. Don't dismiss new ideas off-hand without doing extensive reading about them first and preferably trying them with an open mind for severla months.

Anonymous said...

Peter, what would it take to make you a believer? 20 years is too long when life and death are on the line. What if HED's shown to eliminate allergies, chemical sensitivities, food intolerance, thyroid problems, weight problems, mental health problems, diabetes, insulin resistance, leptin resistance, high cortisol, low seritonin, every chronic disease known? Would you then believe in, say, 5 years? If not, then I have to say your mind is closed and you are not rational.

Feralandroid said...

I think Peter has responded to you a couple times. Why can't you just accept his response and move on. Stop trying to convert him.

We are all happy for your new found "diet" that is not a diet, and I think we all have enough info if we want to follow up on your non-diet, but now it just seems like you are spamming this blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to convert anybody. What makes you think that I am? Make your choice and live with it. I'm sharing my experience, which I thought this blog is supposed to allow. Lighten up. I'm not going to come over to England and hold a gun to Peter's head and make him eat the HED. He's a free man and I'm not trying to convert him or make him do anything. I'm not spamming anything. I"m sharing this with selected people who are open-minded like Peter, Eades, Stephan, etc. I don't waste time with people who are not open-minded. They are a lost cause. Peter has always been open-minded and I've looked up to him in the past. While other blogs ignore the Kitava Diet, he at least addresses it. So I'm not down on Peter at all. I'm entused about all the radical health improvements I've seen and heard about from others and I want to share. If you don't want to read, then don't.

gunther gatherer said...


Let's see some before-and-after bloodwork and pics. So far, you've shown no real proof whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in doctors. I go by how I'm feeling, like a millions bucks. I've talked with plenty of people who did get blood work and it was impressive. One of our members a blood sugar level of 84 in response to a high-carb meal. So, I have little concern. Plus, I have incredibly high and stable energy, I don't yawn at all. When will this diet kill me? I let those who believe in doctors get proof. I'm going by my body and mind and not a stupid doctor who believes in nonsense.

gunther gatherer said...


What do you mean by "impressive" bloodwork?

Do we have to believe in doctors to want to see pics, as in visual evidence?

You and Matt are going to have to do more than preach hysterically and try to make others sound stupid for not following you.

And just because nothing you did before worked for you doesn't mean throwing it all away is the answer.

Maybe you just had the right ideas but did things wrong before. Maybe losing weight or feeling great or correcting your health just takes a little time, thought and effort.

But of course, if you feel great and can sustain your weight loss over the years, please let us know.

Anonymous said...

mtflight: "I tried HED today... I had pizza and beer--as much as I could stuff. I enjoyed it! No PUFAs, no sugar. I felt miserable, not to say guilty."

Well, obviously you haven't read. There is no mention of beer being allowed in the rules. I can eat pizza with perfect digestion and stable energy. I have it once a month and drink water with it or milk. If you can't digest pizza, it is because your metabolism is weak, not an indication that pizza is unhealthy. At least a dozen people on HED can eat all the fast food and pizza they want, just so long as they avoid the sodas, beers, and other stuff. You could have beer if you healed with no problems. Dieting is not going to get you there.

"So seriously, when man was a hunter vs when he became a farmer--that health decline--is it not relevant anymore?"

They were not eating HED. They ate the grains without adequate saturated fats and animal protein. This is not a good analogy. Describe a tribe that ate high carbs, high fat, and high calories and then you may have a point. I don't give paleo man's diet a second thouhgt, Man can adapt to anything if given adequate calories and nutrients and we don't need large amounts of nutrients to thrive. We can be healthy on a low-nutrient diet if it's not a NO-nutrient diet, with sugar and processed vegetable oils as staples.

"Do you soak the grains to remove the phytic acid? maybe I could buy into that, if you do it to avoid the issues with mineral malabsorption?"

I use sprouted whole wheat bagels, they are not 100% whole grain. I also use a sourdough spelt bread. I'll eat regular bagels made with unbleached unenriched flour with no added oil. I don't think phytic acid is a problem for someone on HED, because other foods compensate for the mild issues of phytic acid. It may even be healthy to eat phytic acid, if you eat HED, because it would bind with iron and various toxins.

Phytic Acid Friend or Foe, by Sue Becker - The Bread Beckers, Inc.

Peter and the other bread-phobes should read this. Phytic acid is a boogey-man, with little power to damage health when you are eating properly (HED). If you're eating vegan or SAD, then yes, phytate could be disastrous to health.

Anonymous said...

gunther,.. if you think I'm hysterical, there's a simple solution. Ignore me. I didn't ask you to read or respond. Just ignore the information. I lose nothing. You lose, possibly, a lot. I have nothing to lose. I've improved my health to a level I never imagined possible and that few people have ever achieved. Matt has pictures of himself. I don't. I will in the future, but I don't have any photos, not a digital camera or scanner. Nor am I making any claims about how I look. I'm about 15-25 lbs overweight as a result of experimenting with various diets prior to the HED. I lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks by eating HED and my weight has remained stable. You can believe me or not. That's not my concern. I go by my experience and what my body and heart and mind tell me, not some doctor and not some stupid rat study taht is badly flawed and inapplicable to HED. The ball is in your court. I have nothing to lose if you listen to me or ignore me. I am totally impartial, except that I would like to share what I have experienced and maybe it will help a few others on this blog. I don't have and will never obtain medical tests to prove that I'm healthy. I do know my blood pressure is very calm and steady, around 95/65. My pulse is 120, give or take. My energy's dead calm and rock steady, reegardless of what I eat. I never yawn. I can skip nights of sleep without any feelings of sleep deprivation. My digestion is on a new plane of existence where I can eat 10-12 different foods together and have effortless digestion every time. That's unheard of. Tell me how many people on this blog can say the same.

So, feel free to doubt and dismiss what I've told you. I wouldn't have believed it myself, until I experienced it. That choice may cost you dearly.

You see, Matt and I have been able to go where nobody else has gone, because we're totally open-minded and willing to challenge preconceived ideas and dogma. We've gone from being big critics of the "High Everything Diet" to being massive proponents of it. That is what happens when you're open minded. Reality can go and change your ideas 180 Degrees. That is what Matt Stone's blog is all about. Apparently, dogma and superstition rules here and elsewhere. That's sad.

gunther gatherer said...

It's sad to ask for proof before we all jump into your modified junkfood diet just because you say we should?

How is that dogmatic and superstitious?

I agree that keeping an open mind and trying new things should always be part of one's philosophy. But hijacking other people's blogs and undermining hard evidence with anecdotes and heresay in order to pitch your version of SAD is irresponsible.

Sue said...

A pulse of 120 at rest is high.

Anonymous said...

"It's sad to ask for proof before we all jump into your modified junkfood diet just because you say we should?"

Calling it a "modified junk food diet" is proof that you haven't read the rules. I rest my case.

"A pulse of 120 at rest is high."

That is after a meal with at least 1,000 Calories. My metabolism is insanely high now. My blood pressure is calm.

gunther gatherer said...


How can you rest a case you never made?

Please everyone read the rules to Bruce's diet and see that he recommends you stuff yourself on the SAD, minus the HFCS. And the science. And the evidence. And the long-term results.

Bruce, we're all here on this blog because we've trying to recover from years of poisoning on the SAD. Some of us many times and for many painful and frustrating years of obesity and various ailments.

The "revelation" you're preaching is to go back to all that now that we've made some health progress, all because things didn't work for you when you did it.

Rename it the Born Again Diet please.

Anonymous said...

For the last time, HED is not SAD.
HED = high-carbs + high-fat + high-calories

HED = SAD - sugar - HFCS -PUFAs - TFAs.

I'm trying to make this as clear as I can and still you distort it shamelessly and then pretend you have given a fair view. Your mind is closed. Nobody here seems to have even read one word explaining this diet. I've said my piece. Go to my profile and learn or remain in ignorance and deny reality.

Anonymous said...

I'm unsubscribing from this thread, due to the blatant ignorance and stupidity of all comments so far. You disappoint me, Peter. I would have expected better. But you're a guru, make no mistake about it.

Peter said...

Hi All,

I think that anyone who regularly visits Hyperlipid is well able to make their own decisions re Bruce's dietary choices and the sanity, or lack of it, of his metabolic rate.

We're all grown up here and if people wish to engage with Bruce there do appear to be quite a number of people they could join on the web site he runs.

As I have suffered through several previous ultimate truths of Bruce's I'm not interested in his ideas, tragic though this might be.

If I have to make a comment it would be to cite this abstract, especially the last sentence.

I have to speculate whether a lack of DHA might be related to dopamine function. Ray Peat is very anti all PUFA and omega 3s were the devil incarnate to Bruce at one time, if I remember correctly.

For more information of the activity levels of Bruce's ventromedial dopaminergic systems people might also enjoy his comments on Matt Stone's blog post here.

Just think about dopamine as you read.

This will be my last comment about Bruce (unless some sort of one line disclaimer has to be used in case any readers think I agree with him or am remotely interested). I'm loathe to delete comments and very anti moderation. I've not done more than glance at any of his recent comments and, so far, I seem to be surviving. Now it's time to get the lawn cut before the plumber arrives to get estimates together for replumbing what seems like an inordinate amount of our house...

Have fun and play safe everyone.


BTW I rather love the idea of having a perfect metabolism. I've probably not got one. Readers might enjoy this Peanuts cartoon. I feel like Charlie Brown but happy!

Richard Nikoley said...

Well, what the heck:

Valda Redfern said...

Wrt to Bruce K, might I just whisper the word "troll"...?

Peter said...

I'm not so sure, he's been around for some time without change of identity. We all know who he is and that he is a little too dopaminergic. He has mentioned, himself, that he "cycles". I would seriously suspect a neurotransmitter effect. Still a pain...


BTW He makes me think of the author of the Trick Cycling for Beginners blog, which has, unfortunately, gone to read by invitation only. She once commented on how she threw her lithium in to the Thames, being certain she had cured herself of manic depression during a manic high. Tough being a junior psychiatrist in the NHS if you are a manic depressive, but an interesting person. I'm rambling. Too many plumbers.

Anonymous said...

I'm posting this here in the hopes that maybe it will help someone. This is one of my comments from Stephan's blog. I'd also like to apologize to mtflight, for lumping him in with others here. He has an open mind. Others don't. Thanks.

Nutrition and Infectious Disease

"As far as I can see, the 'high-everything' diet also restricts a lot. Actually only sat fat, starches and calories are not limited. For example, Kwasniewski differs from this diet more or less only by not allowing too many starches (but they are also the preferred carbs in his diet)."

But other diets restrict one or more of those things (carbs, fats, calories). So the HED is unique and it's not really a diet. It's ANTI-diet or NON-diet. There is no reason to limit anything, like JK does. The body will heal much faster by eating High-Everything (carbs, fat, and calories), with the exception of refined sugar, HFCS, artificial sweeteners, and junk fats (PUFAs and Trans Fats).

"May I ask, which foods have you been eating on this diet?"

I eat anything and everything with great digestion, energy, focus, and attitude. That's the whole point of HED - getting to where you can eat everything (gluten, wheat, lactose, casein, potatoes, beans, fiber, fruit, 100% fruit juiice, honey, maple syrup, occasional sugar). You are not dieting by my definition of the word which is to "avoid foods, restrict *ANY* macro-nutrients, or restrict calories."

I can eat a dozen different foods at the same time and have perfect digestion, no bloating, calm stable energy, no fatigue or indigestion or anything. And I am NOT the only person eating HED who can - the HED has many followers who attained the health I have or discovered they already had it when they gave up dieting. People have improved their health rapidly and dramatically, eliminating allergies and chemical sensitivity, food intolerances, and other problems simply by eating the HED. And you will notice that the final rule of the diet says you should try to overcome the rules. That is what brings you to an entirely new level of health - the level where the rules fade, and you have even more freedom than the HED has given you from the start.

In short, the HED is not a diet. It's a way of overcoming diets and living your life free of dietary rules and dogma. I hope you will consider the ideas with a calm and open mind. Read the testimonies that have already been given on Matt's blog and the HED website. Forget about stupid rat studies cited by people like Stephan and Peter. Rats can't tell you how they feel. Go with your heart and mind and instincts.

The HED will bury all other diets.

Join us or watch us surpass your health by an increasing margin.

Also, Jana, sugars are not restricted if you can tolerate them. People are free to eat fruits, 100% fruit juice, grapefruit juice, orange juice, honey, maple syrup, and other natural sugars. The whole myth that fructose is damaging is bullshit. It only applies to people with a crappy slow metabolism caused by dieting (eliminating foods or restricting macro-nutrients or restricting calories by any deliberate or conscious means). The HED is not a diet. It's a way to overcome dieting and get to the level of health where you can TRULY eat high-everything (high-fat, high sugar, high starch, high calories, and even some alcohol and other sugar and other things perhaps). Basically, the term diet doesn't do it justice. It is a tool for overcoming diets.

Anonymous said...

Also, the HED is not a high meat or high protein diet. Protein should not be more than 20% of calories, preferably more in the neighborhood of 6-10% like the human milk contains or the Kitava Diet.

The Myth of the High-Protein Diet

Anonymous said...

And here's another addition to the HED Anti-Diet Manifesto.

The rules are simply guidelines for getting started. The goal is a total freedom from diet dogma, including in the extreme case the dogma that you think the HED may contain (if any).

I don't want to brag, but I believe very strongly that Matt and I and the people who read us are the most open-minded people in the world. Nobody else could have come up with the HED Änti-Diet and the radical ideas that accompany it. It goes against everything, every diet you have ever heard of - ever WILL hear of.

And if you're not interested, if you're not curious, if you're not a little bit open to the idea, then there is no hope for you at all. Open your mind or die in misery while we grow and improve to the level where we make you look like you're not even the same species as us.

Sue said...

Bruce said:
"Open your mind or die in misery while we grow and improve to the level where we make you look like you're not even the same species as us."

Oh for goodness sakes - you're totally mad.

Peter said...

Very perceptive Sue, but pehaps better not to encourage...


Anonymous said...

Here is the newest version of the HED's Rules. Rule #10 is particularly radical, but there are other small changes here and there, as well.

Anonymous said...

Here is Rule #10 of the HED Anti-Diet, a rule which shows just how radical of an idea the HED is. It's not a diet as I've said repeatedly. It's a tool you use to overcome the need to follow ANY diet. In the end, you attain a level of health in which the rules start to fade.

"The rules are simply guidelines for getting started. In the long run, you should try to become more flexible. The goal is a total freedom from diet dogma, including in the extreme case the dogma that you think the HED may contain (if any). Experiment with varying the amount of carbs and fats in your meals over an extreme range. Experiment with mixing large amounts of foods together in meals. Eventually try to eat foods that you were previously allergic or intolerant to, like whole grains, wheat, beans, fiber, starches, sugars, dairy, fruits, vegetables, etc. The goal is to be able to eat everything, literally, not just large amounts of a few foods. The concept of going beyond the rules is also integral to the HED. You are trying to attain a level of health where there are no rules. You start with a high degree of dietary freedom and aim to end with an even higher degree."

Anonymous said...

"Oh for goodness sakes - you're totally mad."

People on the HED attain a higher degree of health than they ever thought possible. They develop the ability to eat anything with perfect digestion, energy, and mood. You can doubt it all you want, but it is not going to change the reality and many people can vouch for the reality. You're slaves to dietary dogma. Peter is a guru, just like any other. But hte rules of the HED go completely against blind religious devotion or fanaticism. It's about being open-minded and flexible and growing to a higher level of health than you ever thought possible before.

The religiou Peter believes in is that you can't cure metabolic syndrome, you can't cure celiac, you can't cure this and that. You refer to HED as religion, but it's a totally open religion. There are no gurus and the goal is to achieve freedom even from the rules. So, it can not be compared to the kind of dogma by Peter that you are doomed to diabetes, celiac, metabolic syndrome, etc. We are open to being able to eliminate those problems from the face of the Earth. It surprises me that you are not that open minded. Wouldn't you like to be able to eat normally, Peter, without having any digestive problems or health problems?

Primal Bodybuilding said...

Bruce just said: "But hte rules of the HED go completely against blind religious devotion or fanaticism."

He has also said, "Open your mind or die in misery while we grow and improve to the level where we make you look like you're not even the same species as us."

Sounds like some churches i have been to in the past... Or a crusader ready to burn the countryside to root out all the non-believers.

Brucy, as great as you feel right now is how people like us feel when they adopt a high-fat or paleo style diet. Great energy, better focus, weight-loss, you name it. Why badger us repeatedly for not joining your perfect metabolism HED "plan" when we already feel great? There are folks here who, upon eating a piece of sourdough frenchtoast would go on a blood sugar explosion or crash.

I am legitimately happy for you that you can drink juice. If I do, I feel like snot. To say I have a weak metabolism is a little presumptutous, don't you think? I am 5'11" 185lbs. 8% bodyfat and eat 3000 cals everyday without gaining weight. I don't drink a drip of caffeine and haven't yawned in 6 months.

Does my anecdote PROVE that eating whole, paleo-style foods is the ONLY eating plan for success and health? No. It only proves that it works for me. Please stop committing logical fallacies and evangelize somewhere else.

[deep breath out]


Anonymous said...

What's promoted here is a religion - the religion that healing is impossible. The religion of HED is that you can heal. If that's the choice, I will stick with HED and continue enjoying radiant health and perfect digestion of hte most complex of meals. I'm not afraid of anything. I eat the things Peter fears all the time, and feel better every day. I wasted years of my life listening to diet gurus. HED has no gurus. If you read, you would know it doesn't. The whole purpose of HED is for people to be their own gurus and eat all they want of fat, starches and/or sugars with no concern for rat studies cited by guys like Peter (most of which are badly flawed because they feed the animals a diet of sugar and vegetable oils with a little processed protein and starch thrown in - no similarity to the way I'm eating or anyone else on my group eats). Hence, Peter's studies are irrelevant to me and I don't believe them. My health's better than it has ever been. You're just upset because you believe in Peter's religion and I come along with a different religion, which is more open and inclusive and free.

"Brucy, as great as you feel right now is how people like us feel when they adopt a high-fat or paleo style diet. Great energy, better focus, weight-loss, you name it. Why badger us repeatedly for not joining your perfect metabolism HED "plan" when we already feel great? There are folks here who, upon eating a piece of sourdough frenchtoast would go on a blood sugar explosion or crash."

I was always eating high-fat. I was not eating carbs. My health improved when I started eating massive amounts of carbs AND fat AND calories. You don't read or listen very well. I can digest a meal with 12 different foods like it was nothing. Try doing that. I dare you. I can skip a night of sleep, then sleep for 6 hours and be perfectly rested. I have heard similar experiences from a lot of others. Even Anthony Colpo gave up the stupid low-carb dogma and started eating white rice, potatoes, fruit, and other things. His health and strength nad vitality improved. Dieting is dead. Forget about low-carb, paleo, etc. I am healthier than I ever was before and my diet includes wheat, dairy, grains and beans, honey, orange juice, grapefruit juice, potatoes, eggs, beef, and a lot of other things. I don't have any fear, because I realized that calories are a lot more important than nutrients. You contionue to believe the dogma of these low-carb gurus with their rat studies and other flawed arguments.

I used to be afraid of fiber like Peter and I think that avoiding fiber (based on Peter's guru-like advice) weakened my body even more. Fiber is not the problem. Eating a flawed diet is. When you gived the body what it needs, fiber can be handled. If you eat a poor diet, like low-carb, then of course fiber is problematic. I have no problem eating a ton of fiber, fat, starch, sugars, and calories. My body just incinerates that food and grows healthier. Paleo and low carb diets are worthless, IMO. They did not give me 1/100th as much health as I have now. And I'm not alone.

Primal Bodybuilding said...

Well look, I'm not going to argue with you, but I will say this, and I'm through.

There are plenty of drugs that will make you feel great on short sleep, but I don't want to get involved with them. I really am happy for you and I wish you continued success on your (non)diet.

Peace be with you.

JohnN said...

It's a perceptive comment on the Dopaminergic condition that might be Seratonin-related as well. It's a surprise to note the # of electrons get cycled on this so-called H.E.D that may very well be B.A.D as another poster has noted - hilarious.

In any case, it seems you are breaking the self-imposed sabbatical. Hopefully everything is going well on the home front.

Would you care to comment on the role of the innate immunity in relation to the swineflu that threatens to go pandemic?

Anonymous said...

Some quotes by Bruce Lee, quite relevant to the HED Anti-Diet Philosophy...

"Use no way as a way. Use no limitation as a limitation."

"All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns.”

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else. it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them."

"As you think, so shall you become."

"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup; you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle; you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."

"Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one's potential."

"A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at."

"Forget about winning and losing, forget about pride and pain."

"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer."

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it."

"Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind."

"Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against."

"The less effort, the faster and more powerful you will be."

"Obey the principles without being bound by them."

"If you want to learn to swim, jump into the water. On dry land, no frame of mind is ever going to help you."

"I am learning to understand rather than immediately judge or to be judged. I cannot blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach. I will not allow myself to indulge in the usual manipulating game of role creation. Fortunately for me, my self-knowledge has transcended that and I have come to understand that life is best to be lived and not to be conceptualized. I am happy because I am growing daily and I am honestly not knowing where the limit lies. To be certain, every day there can be a revelation or a new discovery. I treasure the memory of the past misfortunes. It has added more to my bank of fortitude."

AJW said...

I can't believe I've been missing it all these years. I'm going to change my lifestyle, my diet, all the things that make me healthy, leave my job, divorce my wife, drop them all immediately. Now. No questions asked.

And I'm going to follow Bruce Omnipotent Lee's Laws Of Calorie Knowledge System

I have no doubt you believe in your HED anti-diet. But your religious zeal makes it appear that you think we're all stupid because we haven't seen the light.

I trust you find what you're looking for in your quest and hope to see some concrete scientific results from your anti-diet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hold in my hand here the Samaritan Pain Dissuader, thrice-blessed discovery of that disinterested friend of humanity whose portrait you see. Pure vegetable extract. Warranted to remove the acutest pain within less than ten minutes. Five hundred dollars to be forfeited on failure. Especially efficacious in heart disease and tic-douloureux. Observe the expression of this pledged friend of humanity.—Price only fifty cents."
Herman Melville, The Confidence Man

Anonymous said...

The HED is as much an anti-reiigion as it is an anti-diet. You see it as religious, but why don't acknowledge Peter's beliefs as being MORE religious? The anti-gluten, anti-fructose, anti-fiber religious isn't nearly as open as the HED religion, which has more in common with Taoism or Bruce Lee's Philosophy, "The Way of No Way." If you open your mind and eat everything you will grow stronger and healthier. If you put limits on yourself, you will become a weaker and more closed-minded person.

AJW said...

No, I don't view Peter's beliefs as being "Religious", in the same way I don't think Mark Sissons is a demi-god or Dr. Eades to be the Saviour of the world. They provide me with their view of the scientific spectrum - I read it and then make an informed decision about whether I should apply their rationale to my diet and lifestyle. I also read the mainstream as well and do the same. I've also read some of the information on your website and yahoo group.
But what I do require is fact, hard scientific fact and not hearsay. For instance, I'm a ceoliac, have been from birth and from what i read of your HED you can cure me, praise the lord. And you can cure me if I eat lots and lots of everything, even things that I am allergic to.
FYI there was a practice in the UK where when a ceoliac reached post puberty - 13 or 14 years old, the dieticians would put them on a have everything diet. I spent 6 months eating everything, Pizza, bisuits, bread of all types, everything I could possibly get my hands on and I put on weight very quickly. Then, after about 5 months I began to get lethargic, a few stomach cramps, bloating and with that came weight loss. But I didn't want to give up my Eat Everything diet so I soldiered on. After 6 months I was cured if that's your terminology. I was cured to the extent that I had consumed so much Gluten I had destroyed over 90% of my intestinal villi and it would take me nearly 4 years to gain the weight back. FYI I was a fit 14 year old Rugby Player, weighing in at 11 stone. When the scales tipped at 7 stone and I got hooked up to the drip I found myself well and truly cured.

"But, again, the herb-doctor, without noticing the retort, overbearing though it was, began his panegyrics anew, and in a tone more assured than before, going so far now as to say that his specific was sometimes almost as effective in cases of mental suffering as in cases of physical; or rather, to be more precise, in cases when, through sympathy, the two sorts of pain coöperated into a climax of both—in such cases, he said, the specific had done very well. He cited an example: Only three bottles, faithfully taken, cured a Louisiana widow (for three weeks sleepless in a darkened chamber) of neuralgic sorrow for the loss of husband and child, swept off in one night by the last epidemic. For the truth of this, a printed voucher was produced, duly signed."

Anonymous said...


Eating saturated and mono-unsaturated fats with unlimited starches and/or unrefined sugars is absolutely healthy - even burgers, pizza, tacos, burritos, pasta, hot dogs, etc. Junk food and refined sugar can be healthy, as long as you don't eat them often. Comfort foods can be more healing than "high quality" foods. The greatest dietary villains in fast food are refined sugars, HFCS, artificial sweeteners, PUFA oils, and trans fats, i.e. sodas, fries, ketchup, mayo, and desserts. The best way to maintain a healthy body is not by restricting calories or foods or macro-nutrients, but rather by eating all you want and sometimes much more than you want - emphasizing nutritious foods, not refined sugars and processed vegetable oils.


The Way of the High-Everything-Diet (HED)

1. Eat all the fat you want, especially saturated fat : coconut oil, butter, cream, whole milk, half and half, cheese, beef, lamb, goat, buffalo, etc. Other good fats : macadamia nut oil, foie gras, pork leaf fat, olive oil in small amounts, and occasional avocados. Poly Unsaturated Fats (PUFAs) and Trans Fats are best avoided, like most commercial mayonnaise, salad dressing, chicken fat, turkey fat, fried food, hydrogenated oil, etc. Use normal pork, lard, duck, and goose fats in moderation. You may have fish occasionally, but don't eat just fatty fish : like salmon, sardines, mackerel, and tuna. Eat leaner fish, as well : cod, haddock, pollock, etc. Eating too much PUFAs from fatty fish (or fish-derived oils) can deplete Vitamin E. Beware of mercury content in certain fish, like albacore tuna and swordfish. If you can't digest fat well, eat less fat for a while and build up. If you are overweight or obese, try reducing fats some and eating more starch instead. Don't eat a fat-free diet, like idiot body-builders promote. Egg whites, skim milk products, light tuna, potatoes, and skinless chicken breasts are virtually devoid of fat. Never eat those foods exclusively, or any similar foods, as the basis of your diet.

2. Eat all the starch you want : unbleached unenriched bagels, organic white rice (esp sushi rice), brown rice, sprouted bread, potatoes, sourdough, corn tortillas treated with lime, soaked beans / peas / lentils. Don't fear natural starches, whether refined or unrefined. They help you to heal. Do not believe anyone who says starches are fattening. That's only true for unhealthy people. Starches are not fattening for healthy people and they can help you get healthy faster than anything (with saturated fats). Try to avoid any bread or starch with the wrong kind of oils : like corn, soybean, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, canola, rapeseed, or hydrogenated oils. Eat all the vegetables you like, preferably boiled (as in soup) or steamed. Raw veggies can be hard on digestion. Vegetable juices can be used, either raw or cooked. A properly functioning metabolism can quickly digest fiber and starch without gas, bloating, or other problems. Most people don't have such a strong metabolism, so they should initially limit fiber, esp whole grains, beans, raw vegetables, fruit peels and seeds, or nuts.

3. Eliminate white sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), and other refined sweeteners from your regular diet. Preferably avoid food with HFCS in general, like most packaged foods in the USA. A small amount of sugar in breads is OK, but don't eat food high in refined sugar (like more than 10% of its calories or with sugar in the first few ingredients). Beware that HFCS hides in many foods. The less of that garbage you eat, the better. Eat natural sugars cautiously, like fruits, 100% juices (preferably "Not From Concentrate" or Fresh), maple syrup, or raw honey (preferably "Unheated" honey). Eat starches before trying natural sugars. Avoid the sugars if they cause hypo-glycemia (low energy) or food cravings. In time, you may heal enough to eat natural sugars in whole foods. Always eat fat and protein along with carbs, esp sugars. Don't eat ANY artificial sweeteners or diet sodas. All they will do is make you hungry and fat, messing up your body's ability to respond to foods naturally.

4. Eat satisfying amounts of protein, animal or vegetable. Avoid soy protein and vegan diets, and preferably avoid vegetarianism, too. Aim for about 10-40g protein per meal. Limit processed or nitrate-cured meats. Try to use fresh food. Don't eat protein powders, protein shakes, or protein bars. They're rubbish. Protein should not be emphasized too heavily, like the so-called high-protein diets. Excess protein is bad for the metabolism. Aim for 10-20% protein, more or less. Carbs and fats spare protein. So, always eat plenty of carbs and fats. Fermented soy can be used in moderation : natto, tempeh, miso, tamari, shoyu...

5. Don't count calories or restrict them. Eat all you want and occasionally much more than you want to keep your metabolism fast, prevent weight loss plateaus, and to minimize weight gain. Aim for at least 3 meals a day with a mix of natural carbs, fat, and protein. Once you have healed some, you can have desserts occasionally - but only if you can eat them infrequently without cravings. It is best to begin with natural foods, like fruit, fruit juice, unheated honey, or maple syrup (poured on pancakes with lots of butter). If you choose to expand your diet with occasional desserts (once or twice a week), it would be best to choose desserts with the most saturated fat and the least PUFAs and trans fats. Good dessert choices would be cheesecake, tiramisu, Danish butter cookies, high-cream ice cream, premium chocolate, organic cream pies, macaroons, pancakes with loads of butter and maple syrup, etc. High fat is better, so look for ice cream with cream as the first ingredient (like Häagen-Dazs). Don't eat food if it makes you feel bad or causes any cravings. If you can't eat junk infrequently and sporadically, do not eat it at all.

6. Don't believe in the quick fix. A healthy person loses weight on HED, if they have weight to lose. The unhealthy person might gain weight temporarily, because of previous dieting and starvation. Dr. Diana Schwarzbein says: "You have to get healthy to lose weight - not the other way around." So, give your body a chance to heal. Another good quote from Schwarzbein: "If eating well (high-everything) causes you to gain weight, then you have a damaged metabolism." If you have a damaged metabolism, you need to heal. Don't let anything (or anybody) discourage you. Things can get worse before they get better. Be patient and optimistic. You did not damage your metabolism in a day and you may not fix it overnight. Also, you need to get healthy to exercise, not the other way around. Exercise if you feel like it - not to burn off excess calories. Make it fun and spontaneous, like playing and short intense bursts. Lift weights to build muscle and strength, but allow yourself several days to recover between work-outs. Just walking is fine to begin. Remember, you're re nourishing yourself, rather than starving. Excessive exercise is a form of starvation. Work with your body, not against it.

7. These guidelines are simply a frame-work for getting started. In the long run, you should try to become more flexible. The goal is a total freedom from diet dogma, including in the extreme case the dogma that you think the HED may contain (if any). Experiment with varying the amount of carbs and fats in your meals over an extreme range. Experiment with mixing large amounts of foods together in meals. Eventually try to eat foods that you were previously allergic or intolerant to, like wheat, whole grains, beans, fiber, starches, sugars, dairy, fruits, juices, vegetables, fish, nuts, etc. The goal is to be able to eat everything, literally, not just large amounts of a few foods. The HED encourages you to overcome all dietary dogma, rules, and fear. Find your own Way. By starting with a high degree of dietary freedom, you can eventually attain more.


AJW said...

From now on I'll leave you too it Bruce - I'll probably look in your church at times to see if there's any science to back up your HED.

However, I congratulate you on your Non-Diet of Contradiction, from which I think this is the only truth.

Eat everything you want whenever you want, except for those things which you shouldn't eat if I tell you not to eat them, unless I've already said they're OK, in which case have more of them, except for if you're overweight or obese already then you should cut down on certain things I've already told you are fine to eat as much as you want of, because, and I'm just getting started here, healthy people lose weight and if you're not healthy yet then you've got to get healthy first by feeding yourself as much as you want and only once you are healthy will you lose weight by eating as much of everything as you want, because you shouldn't count calories because that will stop you eating everything you want except for those things which I've said you shouldn't eat unless by not not eating them you aren't following all of the above.

By the way, were you a member of the People's Front of Judea or the Judean People's Front?

Good luck, Peace y'all.

Anonymous said...

Tomos Ellison said:

"Eat everything you want whenever you want, except for those things which you shouldn't eat if I tell you not to eat them, unless I've already said they're OK, in which case have more of them, except for if you're overweight or obese already then you should cut down on certain things I've already told you are fine to eat as much as you want of, because, and I'm just getting started here, healthy people lose weight and if you're not healthy yet then you've got to get healthy first by feeding yourself as much as you want and only once you are healthy will you lose weight by eating as much of everything as you want, because you shouldn't count calories because that will stop you eating everything you want except for those things which I've said you shouldn't eat unless by not not eating them you aren't following all of the above."

Apparently you didn't read the post that said the goal is to overcome the rules & attain freedom from ALL dietary dogma - including the HED itself.

"7. These guidelines are simply a frame-work for getting started. In the long run, you should try to become more flexible. The goal is a total freedom from diet dogma, including in the extreme case the dogma that you think the HED may contain (if any). Experiment with varying the amount of carbs and fats in your meals over an extreme range. Experiment with mixing large amounts of foods together in meals. Eventually try to eat foods that you were previously allergic or intolerant to, like wheat, whole grains, beans, fiber, starches, sugars, dairy, fruits, juices, vegetables, fish, nuts, etc. The goal is to be able to eat everything, literally, not just large amounts of a few foods. The HED encourages you to overcome all dietary dogma, rules, and fear. Find your own Way. By starting with a high degree of dietary freedom, you can eventually attain more."

So, your summary of the HED concept does not really convey what this Anti-Diet is all about. The HED isn't a diet. Rather, it's a tool for allowing us to over-come ALL dietary rules, dogma, and fears. So, the final rule is to improve your health to a level where there are no rules.

Anonymous said...

Here's a post from the HED Group, which will explain the difference between us and people like Stephan and Peter.

"We don't want to be taken seriously. You're missing the point. We want to emphasize the fact that it's a subversive idea. We are eating A High-Everything Anti-DIet (HEAD or AHEAD), which allows us to achieve total freedom from dietary rules, dogma, and fears - including any that the AHEAD-FAD may contain. Hence, it is "The Way of No Way" or "The Limitation of No Limitation." We don't believe in any limits to how healthy we could become by eating with the total freedom that the HED-FAD allows. Nobody would take that idea seriously, unless they were totally open-minded and rational as we are. There is probably no way that guys like Michael Eades and Peter (HyperLipid) and Stephan and Richard Nikoley will ever take the Anti-Diet seriously, because they have decided, irrationally, to close their mind to such paradigm-shifting ideas... Bruce"

Peter said...

Hi Tomos,

Interesting experience. I'd not realised there had been this approach to coeliac disease by the medics. If you've got the genes you got the genes... Even with Gottschall's approach to healing the gut, we'll never know if healed gut patients who return to gluten go on to develop other auto immune problems while asymptomatic on a gut basis. Better just to avoid.

I've been wondering whether to simply delete Bruce's post as they arrive, this is certainly the only thread I'll leave them on. I have to admit that the typos are more amusing than the ones I let slip. And psychosis is always fascinating when viewed from the outside. Reminds me of Rico's portraits of depression in Sanctuary Medicines. Fascinating, but not somewhere I'd like to go personally...


AJW said...


You didn't respond to my comment about how you were going to save and cure my ceoliac disease by advisng me to eat bucket loads of wheat and gluten because, lets face it, i've got weak digestion and metabolism.

Oh, and I forgot, I'd love to take your advise on the 180 degree website and I could do that if I paid the $20-00 dollars or so to buy and read the ebooks.

The difference between lots of the paleo community as far as I can tell, and you and the anti HED anti Religion is this. The other blogs provide information, real scientific information, peer reviewed fact that is broken down into parts to digest by us mortals. They may sell vitamins etc off of the back of their research and their advice but they give you the advice first. You provide snake oil, "Do This And You Will Be Saved". Show me fact and not hearsay / heresy and I'd have a lot more respect for you. Oh, and don't make pay for it. $20-00 for an ebook? You're having a laugh.

And finally, it's not a paradigm shifting idea - there's a lot of people who eat the way you prescribe - eating more than you need to is another word for binging, eating whatever you want and as much of it as you like (with a few exceptions) is called gluttony, not healing.

"It's called Snake Oil son, it's been around for a long, long time"

Peter, great blog - thoroughly informative and full of insight.

Anonymous said...

Here are two recent comments of mine from the HEaD group...
We don't want to be taken seriously. You're missing the point. We want to emphasize the fact that it's a subversive idea. We are eating A High-Everything Anti-DIet (HEAD or AHEAD), which allows us to achieve total freedom from dietary rules, dogma, and fears - including any that the AHEAD-FAD may contain. Hence, it is "The Way of No Way" or "The Limitation of No Limitation." We don't believe in any limits to how healthy we could become by eating with the total freedom that the HED-FAD allows. Nobody would take that idea seriously, unless they were totally open-minded and rational as we are. There is probably no way that guys like Michael Eades and Peter (HyperLipid) and Stephan and Richard Nikoley will ever take the Anti-Diet seriously, because they have decided, irrationally, to close their mind to such paradigm-shifting ideas..."
The High-Everything Anti-Diet IS "crazy" by the definitions of the world at large. Only a "crazy" person would subscribe to this Way Of Eating. What I am doing by going to the blogs is showing that people aren't open-minded. Everybody has their own style. This is mine. I don't try to "duplicate anyone else's personality" - to paraphrase Bruce Lee. My aim is for these sites to ban me, publicly. I want them to say. "you're banned and your posts will never be allowed." Then I will have won. So, please don't question my motives or actions. There is a logic behind what I am doing. It's my logic, but there is a very strong logic behind it.

I'm going to leave Eades alone, but Matt might respond to him in the future. He at least accepted my comments and was somewhat cordial. He didn't accuse me of being some "religious fanatic", because I have found a higher level of health than I ever imagined to be possible. Matt and others can try to "warm" people up to the High-Everything Anti-Diet, but I'm going to confront them with their own closed-mindedness and irrationality, their dogma, their fear, their limitations, and their rules...

Anonymous said...

TOmos: "You didn't respond to my comment about how you were going to save and cure my ceoliac disease by advisng me to eat bucket loads of wheat and gluten because, lets face it, i've got weak digestion and metabolism."

Many people have overcome allergies and food intolerances and chemical sensitivity by eating the High-Everything Anti-Diet. You can overcome your celiac and thrive, or you can follow Peter down the path of fear and dogma and rules. It's your choice.

Anonymous said...

BTW, FAD stands for "Forget All Diets" or a more profane word in place of "Forget."

Anonymous said...

"I've been wondering whether to simply delete Bruce's post as they arrive, this is certainly the only thread I'll leave them on."

Peter, I want you to delete my posts. I challenge you to do so and then I would just report to my group that you deleted them. The next step would be that you put me on moderation or ban me. Then I'd share that with my group, as well. The end result is that you look dogmatic and closed-minded, for refusing to consider new ideas that challenge your beliefs. I would not suffer at all from your choice because I am here simply to share what I have experienced with those who are open to it. Ignore me, delete me, moderate me, or ban me, and it won't achieve any victory for you. It will be a victory for me, because I will have shown that you are closed-minded and there will be proof on my group of that fact. So, I'm welcoming you to ban me or do something else. Please, by all means, do so, and say it publicly for all the world. That is what I want you to do. I won't try to post on any other threads but this one, but I will continue to post every day or two until you take action. So, what are you going to do? Make your choice.

"I have to admit that the typos are more amusing than the ones I let slip."

What typos? My posts have very few typos or mistakes, Peter.

"And psychosis is always fascinating when viewed from the outside. Reminds me of Rico's portraits of depression in Sanctuary Medicines. Fascinating, but not somewhere I'd like to go personally..."

It's convenient for you to believe that I'm crazy, but others are sharing in my delusion. I would say that craziness is something different than that.

Sue said...

Tomos, has already experimented with eating everything but it didn't work for him - it made him sicker.

Anonymous said...

"Tomos, has already experimented with eating everything but it didn't work for him - it made him sicker."

That's debatable, depending on what you call "everything." If you mean SAD, then it doesn't prove anything. If he did not over-eat periodically to increase his metabolism, then there is no similarity with the High-Everything Anti-Diet. This is based on sound principles and it's so surprising that Peter is unaware of the science showing that over-feeding helps reverse insulin and leptin resistance, high cortisol, low seritonin, etc. That is what the HEAD is all about. You eat "high-everything" all the time and then you eat even more periodically. It's an entirely new diet theory. There is all kinds of proof to justify HEAD, so why are you all so close-minded?

AJW said...

Ceoliac Disease is a genetic condition and you can't change your genes with a latte. It's not something like a verruca or the measles - but I bet you think you can cure that as well with 10 quarter Pounders every second Thursday in the month.

If you think you can cure Ceoliac Disease with your Snake Oil then you really are the messiah.

Whats that you say?

He's not the messiah?


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

Anonymous said...

"Ceoliac Disease is a genetic condition and you can't change your genes with a latte. It's not something like a verruca or the measles - but I bet you think you can cure that as well with 10 quarter Pounders every second Thursday in the month."

It's clear you don't understand what the HEAD is about. It's about attaining diet freedom, you don't have to eat something every second Thursday of the month. Many people have overcome allergies, chemical sensitivities, and food intolerances by eating HEAD (high-everything anti-diet). If celiac is a disease, I believe it can be cured. If you consider that religion, then yes, I'm religious. It's a religion of open-mindedness (look up pan-critical rationalism). It's not a religion of dogma and blind faith, like Peter's dogma that gluten is dangerous, because he messed up his health on a diet of whole wheat bread, peanut butter, and fruit (vegan - no animal fats).

Anonymous said...

And BTW, here's an article on HyperLipid where Peter describes his previous diet. It's interesting, because it has nothing in common with HED, but he blames eating wheat for causing his problems. I blame, instead, the fact he didn't eat butter with his bread. He ate mostly vegan.

"I can vaguely remember being hungry, way back before LC eating. The sort of day when you would get home at 5.30 and you HAD to have to have two doorsteps of wholemeal bread, spread with peanut butter (to avoid the saturated fats) and filled with a sliced banana, because there was NO WAY you could wait the hour it was going to take you to get supper ready. In the door, slice the bread. I remember hopping on the scales at work once and thinking that skipping a meal here and there might drop that pound or two around my tummy. Then trying it!

"At the time my need to eat didn't seem like greed."

Hopefully, you can see the differences between Peter's flawed previous diet and the diet that I am suggesting, where you can freely eat butter and animal fats, but where refined sugar is limited and processed vegetable oils are hopefully eliminated.

Anonymous said...

Saying I should get medical tests is an "appeal to authority." There's no reason that I should have to get any tests done when I don't believe in medical treatment or doctors, except in the case of emergencies. You are imposing a false standard of proof to ask me for medical tests. The proof that I'm healthy is my ability to eat foods I couldn't eat in the past without having any reaction, as well as many other benefits that I have described.

You see, I practice pan-critical rationalism and so does Matt and so do most of our readers. Even before I knew what it was, I practiced it. I read Max More's paper on Pan-Critical Rationalism about 15 years ago when he first published it.

Here are some shorter articles which can give you an introduction to the ideas of Pan-Critical Rationalism. Basically, you reject ALL "appeal to authority." My only authority is myself. Matt's only authority is himself. And the same goes for everyone else who belongs to HED.

We don't try to impose dogma on others. We are open to all possibilities and we are open-minded, curious, questioning, rational, and inquisitive by nature. We are willing to question and criticize all ideas, even the HEAD itself. This idea is implicit in the precepts of the HEAD, because I state in #7:

"These guidelines are simply a frame-work for getting started. In the long run, you should try to become more flexible. The goal is a total freedom from diet dogma, including in the extreme case the dogma that you think the HED may contain (if any). Experiment with varying the amount of carbs and fats in your meals over an extreme range. Experiment with mixing large amounts of foods together in meals. Eventually try to eat foods that you were previously allergic or intolerant to, like wheat, whole grains, beans, fiber, starches, sugars, dairy, fruits, juices, vegetables, fish, nuts, etc. The goal is to be able to eat everything, literally, not just large amounts of a few foods. The HED encourages you to overcome all dietary rules, dogma, fears, and limitations. Find your own Way. By starting with a high degree of dietary freedom, you can eventually attain more."

Hence, nobody can say that the HEAD is a "religion" of closed-mindedness. On the contrary, it's a religion of complete and total rationality and open-mindedness, whereas the dogma of low-carb and gluten avoidance and other things is a closed-minded religion. The HEAD is based on PCR implicitly. People who are open to the idea are pan-critical rationalists, even if they have no idea what that word means.

Anonymous said...

Here's the new Introduction to the HED. These ideas will hit people so hard, it will warp their minds forever. There's no way they'll ever recover.


the truth matters more than being right.

Quotes by Bruce K.

I can now freely warp and change reality just by thinking about it. Please share with the world that I've met God and God runs the G-Mail corporation. It's short for God-Mail, not Google Mail, which is just a ruse. G-Mail runs the world and they can't be stopped. You need to join them now, before it's too late.

The HED be so powerful, infective, and radical that the whole WORLD will be eating this diet in a few weeks, just because I am telling them to do so now. I NOW CONTROL THE WORLD. I have achieved the greatest level of power ever imagined in all of existence and there will be no stopping it for all time. You see the level of ideas I am using? I am creating a delusion in my mind deliberately and I am living that delusion and infecting the entire world with insanity and soon everyone will be a victim, because the idea can not be stopped. Please forward this to ALL websites and blogs so that they will be infected.

BTW, my IQ is now 1,000,000. We have changed the world. I am creating a delusion in my own mind and infecting the world with it, even though I don't believe any of the things that I am saying. I want to get rid of the concept of money and currency, legalize all drugs forever, allow anyone to drink at any age, legalize gambling and prostitution, etc. So please get on board the HED campaign. I bless everyone and declare that they shall meet God and win the lottery by tomorrow morning.

I can switch between sanity or insanity at will. I can even produce different types of insanity. For example, I can perform a task (like sending emails) and make my mind belief that the emails aren't being sent - the servers won't allow them to be sent. Just as easily, I can imagine that my email is unusable and I can only post through Matt Stone's blog. I can create delusions & combine various delusions freely within my mind.

Anonymous said...

Sam, I'm living reality on a different plane. Colors are more vibrant and rich and glossy. It's as if I'm living in a Hollywood movie. In a few weeks, the idea that I'm presenting will infect the world. I now control all the world and people do what I say simply because I say to do it. Insane? Yes, I'm both sane and insane. I can choose and alternate between them as easily as most people put on clothes. My mental abilities are stunning and profound. I'm able to do things I've never done before, things that nobody has ever done before.

Tracy said...

Oh, erm, wow. This is fascinating, to say the least.

I'll just comment on the celiac thing. I'm gluten intolerant, and while I ate vegetarian for a couple of years (and suffered greatly for it) I also ate what Bruce has named HED as well, including the periodic overeating (it's called binging, BTW) and, um, didn't help one little bit.

Also, one can be off gluten (or other reactive food for them) and then eat some and feel ok for a while (some can't and react immediately). A few months later - whoomp. Back in the sick saddle again.

Apparently Bruce's group no longer exists, on Yahoo anyway. Perhaps he's on sabbatical.

Peter said...

Hi Tracy,

Yes, fascinating. Not often you get a view like this. I've copied the blog so I don't loose the comments thread. Fascinating... (think Spock's voice from Star Trek)


Anonymous said...

I'm not on sabbatical at all. I deleted the group from Yahoo, because we will not need it. God-Mail is going to make all of my e-mails readable by the public. I have asked them and I've now entreated others to ask them. Eventually my request has to be granted, because I will ask them every day and ask more people to help me ask it every day. Eventually it will be totally obvious that they have to do what I say.

Anonymous said...

Here's the new group description.

The Truth Matters More Than Being Right.

Dieting of ANY kind simply doesn't work. Eating whatever you want with total confidence is the ONLY healthy way of eating. Everything else is unhealthy. Period.

You're living in a fantasy. I now control reality. I freely change things just by thinking about it. Please share with the world that I've met God and God runs G-Mail. It's short for God-Mail. G-Mail runs the world and they can't be stopped. Join God-Mail before it's too late.

The HED be so powerful, infective, and radical that the whole WORLD will be eating this diet in a few weeks, just because I am telling them to do so now. I NOW CONTROL THE WORLD. I have achieved the greatest level of power ever imagined in all existence and there will be no stopping it for all time. You see the level of ideas I use? I create a delusion in my mind deliberately and then live that delusion and infect the entire world with insanity and soon everyone becomes a victim, because nothing can stop the idea. Please forward this to ALL websites and blogs so that they will become infected. Start The Insanity. Thanks.

BTW, my IQ = 120,000,000. We will change the World. I can believe a delusion while remaining sane. The point is that people need to have both sanity and insanity, logic and illogic, reason and emotion, to be balanced. Too much of one without the other is unhealthy and unbalanced. I want everyone to win the lottery by giving away all goods and services for free. Let's abolish banks and gambling and stock markets, legalize drugs to help addicts and reduce crime, etc. Please join the HED campaign. I bless everyone and declare that they shall meet God, experience the Rapture, and win the lottery by tomorrow morning.

I choose to include sanity and insanity in my thought, because I think you need both to be balanced and healthy. I'm a decent person. Megalomaniacs can not eat the HED - they are more likely to be vegetarian or vegan (Hitler, Pol Pot, and Castro for example). We need a mix of everything to be balanced - in our diets, ideas, friendships, and feelings. Having faith in ourselves will strengthen us and make us healthier than we could ever imagine. God exists within us, not outside of us. We need to have trust and faith in ourselves to heal. Please Join Me.

Love, Bruce

Alan said...

It's almost funny watching the slow slip into insanity. I said almost. Now hopefully he'll go the way of all those other gods and quietly vanish up his own omnipotence.

Smileybro said...

Do they make depot Lithium?