From Björn on the THINCS board. More observational stuff from Gothenburg University on what fat children don't drink and slim children do drink. Assuming any sort of causality, I'd just comment that the struggle to get full fat milk for my son in Glasgow coffee shops or restaurants doesn't bode too well for the populace. Luckily for us Cafe Nero usually has cream in stock for me and I can just add a little to the semi skimmed milk which is the only milk that's available for him... Other than fully skimmed tea whitener!

I think the whole of Dr Eriksson's thesis is here, an epic I've yet to try and read.
Did this study attempt to determine whether the correlation between milk intakes produced the difference in BMI or if it was the result of pre-existing differences in BMI?
This is significant. Correlation does NOT imply causation.
Parents of overweight children might feed them the low fat milk because they have been told it will prevent further weight gain.
The studies linking diet soda with overweight are flawed for this very reason. People without weight problems rarely drink diet soda so the correlation of diet soda intake with overweight is the result of the overweight, not the cause.
Absolutely. I drink cream, the heavy people at work eat Weight Watchers low fat yogurt. Causality, who knows?
Interestingly enough, the same trend was observed in the group of normal weight kids and in heavier ones. And if you take a look at the BMI readings of the gourps, it seems that the "heavy kids" were not that heavy in Sweden, either.
Also, this is a second report on the same study group. First one was published on 4y olds and this one after four more years. In the thesis they also told that food choises did not vary much between the 4 and 8 year mark; i.e. dietary habits were set early.
All in all, full fat milk products seem to correlate inversely with extra weight in Swedish young ones,
and in Swedish middle aged ladies...
... and in elderly Swedish male farmers, for whom dairy fat (in all forms) also correlated with less cardiovascular events
Did you take a look on the vitamin D status of these kids? Apart from the very dark skinned, almost all seemed to hit the 50 nmol/l level. Interesting, as most probably none of these kids were on either high D supplementation or grainless fibre diet... the latter is just about as uncommon in Sweden as it is not to drink milk. (But lowfat or nonfat milk did not correlate with leaner body; only fullfat milk did)
And more:
Interestingly enough, the author tell also that lipids were compared with the Finnish STRIP kids (low fat, low SAFA, high-fiber; i.e. very comm-il-faut iontervention) and that the Swedish ones tended to have lower cholesterol values than their Finnish age mates... Maybe it is not to be wondered why the Finnish study has failed to report any beneficial effect of the intervention in 20 years?
Regards, LeenaS
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